Gorilla whey

 Gorilla whey

Hinzu kommt ausserdem, dass der Markt auch gesundheitsbewusste Vegetarier und Veganer bedienen möchte, denn für diese sind Proteine besonders wichtig. Für Veganer, die allen tierischen Produkten entsagen, gibt es auch Proteinpulver, allerdings wird dieses oft aus Soja gewonnen und Soja ist nicht für alle Menschen gleich gut verträglich. Insbesondere in den ersten Wochen kann es deshalb zu kleineren Verdauungsbeschwerden kommen.

Die richtige Einnahme von Whey Protein.

W er ausdauernd und regelmässig Sport betreibt, kommt um die Einnahme von Whey Protein kaum noch herum, denn die perfekte Menge Protein zum richtigen Zeitpunkt über die Ernährung und damit Produkte wie Quark, Naturjoghurt, Milch und Käse aufzunehmen ist nahezu unmöglich. Dieser Umstand deutet bereits an, dass du Whey Protein nicht in „irgendeiner“ Menge zu „irgendeinem“ Zeitpunkt einnehmen solltest, denn je nach Menge und Zeitpunkt entfaltet das Protein verschieden starke Wirkungen in deinem Körper. Im Folgenden erfährst du alles, was du über die richtige Einnahme von Whey Protein wissen solltest.

Die Bedeutung der richtigen Einnahme von Whey Protein.

Aus Sicht von Sportlern und Sportlerinnen haben Proteine exakt zwei Aufgaben: Sie sollen Muskeln aufbauen und wenn sie aufgebaut sind, sollen Proteine die Muskeln erhalten. Das Whey Protein, das du einnimmst, sollte beide Aufgaben also in jedem Fall erfüllen, womit allerdings schon wieder ein neues Fragen-Fass geöffnet wird: Wie viel Whey Protein sollte ich einnehmen, wann und wie?

So dosierst du Whey Protein richtig.

Jeder Mensch benötigt Proteine, doch nicht jeder Mensch benötigt die gleiche Menge an Proteinen. Zwar ist die Einnahme von mehr Eiweiss als nötig nicht schädlich für den Körper, darunter sollte sie jedoch auch nicht liegen. Die perfekte Menge richtet sich nach deinem Körpergewicht, deinem Geschlecht und deinen sportlichen Aktivitäten. Menschen, die keinen Sport machen, sollten pro Tag etwa 1 Gramm Protein pro Kilogramm Körpergewicht zu sich nehmen. Wiegst du also 83 kg, beträgt der Proteinbedarf pro Tag 83 g Eiweiss. Diese noch sehr simple Rechnung wird auch nur marginal komplizierter, wenn du Sport treibst. Durch die erhöhte Muskelbeanspruchung beim Sport möchte dein Körper dann täglich 1,2 – 1,7 g Protein pro Kilogramm Körpergewicht. Ob du nun eher 1,2 oder 1,7 g benötigst, richtet sich nach deinem Geschlecht. Aufgrund von Stoffwechselunterschieden, dem durchschnittlich unterschiedlichen Körpergewicht von Männern und Frauen sowie aufgrund der vorhandenen Muskelmasse benötigen Männer täglich mehr Proteine als Frauen. So benötigst du als sportlich tätiger Mann mit 83 kg 141 g Proteine pro Tag und als Frau mit 83 kg Körpergewicht nur rund 100 g. Eine Ausnahme für Frauen gilt während und nach der Schwangerschaft, da ihr Proteinbedarf dann erhöht ist. Um genau diese Mengen auch zu erreichen, ist die Zufuhr von Proteinpulver die ideale Lösung.

Wann Whey Protein einnehmen?

Es ist ein nie endender Krieg: Soll Proteinpulver vor oder nach dem Training eingenommen werden? Oder sogar davor und danach? Um sich einer Antwort auf diese Frage zu nähern, lohnt sich ein Blick auf die Eigenschaften von Proteinen. Die normale Verdauung von Lebensmitteln dauert in der Regel länger als 24 Stunden. Proteine bilden da jedoch eine Ausnahme. Dein Körper ist nämlich dazu fähig, Proteine sehr schnell aufzunehmen und für sich nutzbar zu machen. Schon nach 45 Minuten entfaltet das Proteinpulver seine Wirkung in deinem Körper und nach weiteren 45 Minuten ist es komplett verdaut. Wie du siehst, ist es deshalb nicht sinnvoll, morgens anstelle eines Frühstücks einen Proteinshake zu trinken, der bereits deinen gesamten täglichen Eiweissbedarf abdeckt. Vielmehr musst du dich in diesem Fall stark in Selbstdisziplin üben und alle 3-5 Stunden 22 oder 25 g (je nach Geschlecht) zu dir nehmen. Da Proteine so schnell verstoffwechselt werden, ist zudem die Einnahme von Whey Protein nach dem Training unabdingbar. Dann darf die Dosis auch gerne etwas höher sein.

Wie lange Proteinpulver einnehmen?

Wie bereits erwähnt, ist eine höhere Zufuhr von Eiweiss nicht schädlich für deinen Körper, doch es gibt natürlich Situationen, in denen sich die Proteinzufuhr über Eiweisspulver besonders gut eignet. Zu diesen Situationen zählen zum Beispiel Diäten oder Phasen des Krafttrainings. Auch nach einer längeren Phase intensiven Krafttrainings muss Whey Protein nicht abgesetzt werden, sondern kann in geringerer Dosis zum Erhalt der aufgebauten Muskeln weiterhin eingenommen werden. Abhängig ist die Zufuhr allerdings von der Zusammensetzung des Proteinpulvers.

Whey Protein Einnahme: Eiweiss ist nicht gleich Eiweiss.

Wenn du schon einmal Proteinpulver kaufen wolltest oder gekauft hast, wird dir das gigantische Angebot nicht entgangen sein. Doch wo viel Angebot und grosse preisliche Differenzen sind, da sind auch qualitative Unterschiede und die sind gravierend. Informiere dich insbesondere bei auffällig preiswerten Produkten über die Zusammensetzung des Pulvers und vergewissere dich, dass es sich nicht um ein chemisches Gepansche handelt, sondern um qualitativ hochwertiges Whey Protein.

Wir empfehlen daher lieber etwas mehr auszugeben und auf hochwertige Eiweissprodukte für die optimale Versorgung deiner Muskelzellen zu setzen.

Gorilla Sports Whey Protein.

Unser Whey Protein ist von höchster Qualität, und wird auschliesslich in Deutschland hergestellt. Beste Aufnahme und Verträglichkeit sind garantiert, und mit einer Vielzahl von Geschmacksrichtungen ist es nicht nur wirksam, sondern auch besonders lecker.

Hinzu kommt ausserdem, dass der Markt auch gesundheitsbewusste Vegetarier und Veganer bedienen möchte, denn für diese sind Proteine besonders wichtig. Für Veganer, die allen tierischen Produkten entsagen, gibt es auch Proteinpulver, allerdings wird dieses oft aus Soja gewonnen und Soja ist nicht für alle Menschen gleich gut verträglich. Insbesondere in den ersten Wochen kann es deshalb zu kleineren Verdauungsbeschwerden kommen.

Wie du Fehler bei der Einnahme vermeidest.

Wie bei so vielen Dingen gilt auch bei der Einnahme von Proteilpulver keinesfalls „Viel hilft viel“. Insbesondere jungen Sportlern und Sportlerinnen unterläuft dieser Irrtum in einem Anfall übermässig hoher sportlicher Motivation. Bei der Einnahme von Proteinen gilt es nicht, die ideale Menge zu überschreiten, denn aus einem „mehr Protein“ resultiert kein „mehr Muskeln“. Vielmehr geht es bei der Zufuhr von Whey Protein darum, den täglichen Eiweissbedarf zu stillen. Auch eine Milchmädchenrechnung, die an einem Tag „schon mal vorsichtshalber mehr Proteine vorsieht, weil es am nächsten Tag weniger werden“, ist nicht zielführend. Im Gegenteil: Zwar ist ein bisschen mehr Eiweiss jeden Tag nicht schädlich, wer jedoch die magische Grenze von 3,0 g pro Kilogramm Körpergewicht überschreitet, dem blühen Blähungen, Magenschmerzen, Hautunreinheiten und eine erhöhte Nierenaktivität.

Weitere Tipps für die Einnahme von Whey Protein.

Normale Proteinshakes kannst du in der Regel in Wasser oder Milch aufgelöst, also als Shake, einnehmen. Hochwertiges Whey Protein kann ebenso in Wasser oder Milch aufgenommen werden, allerdings bieten sich hier noch einige weitere Möglichkeiten. So kannst du das Pulver beispielsweise auch in Fruchtsäfte oder verschiedene Joghurt-Sorten mischen. Sogar in Kokosnusswasser und als Smoothie-Zutat hat das Whey Protein schon von sich reden gemacht. Wenn du noch etwas kreativer sein möchtest, kannst du mit dem Whey Protein sogar backen. Wie wäre es beispielsweise mit saftigen Protein-Pancakes anstelle von welchen aus Mehl? Probiere es einfach mal aus.

<blockquote>Huge Whey is a relatively new product added to the rapidly growing Huge Nutrition brand. Up until this point, Huge.</blockquote>

Gorilla whey.

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Glatt kosher wagyu

 glatt kosher wagyu

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Authentic Glatt Kosher New York Strip Steak.

Certified by Kosher LA.

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We got chu!

Need some tips on how to cook the perfect piece of beef. Click here.

About Kosher Wagyu Beef 101 Location Shop.


339 Central Ave.

Lawrence, NY 11559.

Our mission.

To elevate at home kosher grilling by sourcing the highest quality meats, spices, oils and accessories.

Our Market is the undisputed Kosher Wagyu retail destination in the North East, carrying 100% Fullblood Kosher Wagyu from Holy Wagyu, certified Glatt Kosher by Star-K. Learn more here .

Glatt kosher wagyu.

NY's retail destination for 100% Fullblood Kosher Wagyu.

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Premium. Kosher. Curated.

Chu's Meat Market is a specialty food retail shop located on Central Avenue in Lawrence, the heart of the Five Towns. Our premium meats, pantry items, and grilling accessories are curated to provide our customers with the perfect ingredients and tools for the ultimate kosher grilling session.

Everything in Chu's is prepackaged and kosher certified. We carry products with hashgachas from around the US and the world, ranging from OU and Star-K to International Kosher Council and IRK Mehadrin.

Our Market is the undisputed Kosher Wagyu retail destination in the North East, carrying 100% Fullblood Kosher Wagyu from Holy Wagyu, certified Glatt Kosher by Star-K. Learn more here .

What you can find at Chus.

Real! Kosher! Wagyu!

None of that cross-bred bologne. We carry 100% Fullblood Kosher American Wagyu. No traces of Angus whatsoever.

Authentic Hindcuts.

Filet Mignon, NY Strip Steaks, Picanha, Tri-tips, Flanks & More. Real steaks and roasts from the back half of our cows.

Premium Salts & Spices.

Browse our curated collection of the finest kosher rubs, salts & seasonings from around the world.

The Nectar of Olives.

We carry a variety of premium olive oils to compliment your Masterchef creations perfectly. Truffle, Lemon, Basil & more.

Japanese Style Cooking.

Eucalyptus charcoal to schichrin grills. You can now practice century-old cooking techniques in your home.

Cut & Board.

From Japanese blue carbon steel knives to personally engraved cutting boards, we got you covered.

Flash Frozen.

Wagyu to your door.

We partnered with Roadie, A UPS Company, for same-day and next-day deliveries up to 350 miles from our 5 Towns location.

The delivery fee we are quoted from Roadie is added to your order as a passthrough.

Lakewood - Deal - Monsey - Manhattan - Great Neck - Catskills - Berkshires - Hamptons - Greenwich - Danbury & more.

Free insulated freezer bags with delivery order.

Contact form.

About Kosher Wagyu Beef 101 Location Shop.


339 Central Ave.

Lawrence, NY 11559.

Our mission.

To elevate at home kosher grilling by sourcing the highest quality meats, spices, oils and accessories.

Freezer pallets

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New 48x48 Plastic Square 52.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Drum Loads Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.

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Freezer Safe Pallets.

Browse these pallets matching your search for freezer safe packaging and shipping pallets that are for use in storing or transporting your unit loads.

The 20 pallets in the list below match the only filter:

Freezer Safe.

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Freezer grade pallets must be able to withstand sub zero freezing conditions and be stiff enough to do the job but without being brittle.

Freezer Safe Pallets.

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Freezer Safe.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 48x40 64.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 25,000 lb static load 5,000 lb dynamic load 2,800 lb racking load.

Best Seller New 48x40 Plastic 64.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPP) 48x40 34.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 8,800 lb static load 4,400 lb dynamic load 2,200 lb racking load.

Best Seller New 48x40 Plastic 34.0 lbs FDA Approved Pharmaceutical Freezer Safe * Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 37x32 33.0 lbs Open Deck, 3 Runner Base 30,000 lb static load 5,000 lb dynamic load 1,000 lb racking load.

New 37x32 Plastic 33.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Open Deck 3 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 37x37 (Square) 46.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 30,000 lb static load 5,000 lb dynamic load 2,000 lb racking load.

New 37x37 Plastic Square 46.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable One-Way Multi-Trip In-House Export.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE) 40x32 36.0 lbs Open Deck, 3 Runner Base 30,000 lb static load 5,000 lb dynamic load 1,000 lb racking load.

New 40x32 Plastic 36.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Open Deck 3 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE) 48x40 42.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 15,000 lb static load 5,000 lb dynamic load 800 lb racking load.

New Arrival New 48x40 Plastic 42.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable One-Way Multi-Trip In-House Export.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 48x45 50.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 20,000 lb static load 3,000 lb dynamic load.

New 48x45 Plastic 50.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Drum Loads Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Multi-Trip In-House Export.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 48x45 50.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 20,000 lb static load 3,000 lb dynamic load.

New 48x45 Plastic 50.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Drum Loads Bulk Bag Loads Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Multi-Trip In-House Export.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 48x45 50.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 20,000 lb static load 3,000 lb dynamic load.

New 48x45 Plastic 50.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Drum Loads Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Multi-Trip In-House Export.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 48x40 54.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 25,000 lb static load 5,000 lb dynamic load 1,000 lb racking load.

New 48x40 Plastic 54.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 48x40 56.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 25,000 lb static load 5,000 lb dynamic load 1,400 lb racking load.

New 48x40 Plastic 56.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 48x40 60.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 25,000 lb static load 5,000 lb dynamic load 2,800 lb racking load.

New 48x40 Plastic 60.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 48x44 62.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 30,000 lb static load 5,000 lb dynamic load 1,500 lb racking load.

New 48x44 Plastic 62.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 48x44 67.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 30,000 lb static load 5,000 lb dynamic load 2,800 lb racking load.

New 48x44 Plastic 67.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 48x48 (Square) 52.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 20,000 lb static load 5,000 lb dynamic load 1,600 lb racking load.

New 48x48 Plastic Square 52.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Drum Loads Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE/PP) 56x44 46.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 20,000 lb static load 3,000 lb dynamic load 1,600 lb racking load.

New 56x44 Plastic 46.0 lbs Freezer Safe * Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House Export.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPE) 48x32 (Euro) 39.5 lbs Closed Deck, 3 Runner Base 8,800 lb static load 4,400 lb dynamic load 2,200 lb racking load.

New 48x32 Plastic Euro 39.5 lbs Pharmaceutical Freezer Safe * Fire Retardant * Closed Deck 3 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House Export.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPP) 48x40 54.0 lbs Closed Deck, 6 Runner Base 11,200 lb static load 5,600 lb dynamic load 2,800 lb racking load.

New 48x40 Plastic 54.0 lbs FDA Approved Freezer Safe * Closed Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPP) 48x40 40.0 lbs Closed Deck, 6 Runner Base 8,800 lb static load 4,400 lb dynamic load 2,200 lb racking load.

New 48x40 Plastic 40.0 lbs FDA Approved Freezer Safe * Closed Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.


New Plastic Pallet (HDPP) 48x40 48.0 lbs Open Deck, 6 Runner Base 11,200 lb static load 5,600 lb dynamic load 2,800 lb racking load.

New 48x40 Plastic 48.0 lbs FDA Approved Freezer Safe * Open Deck 6 Runner Base Stackable Rackable Multi-Trip In-House.

* Listed feature may be an extra-cost option.

How Slip Sheets Help in Container?Before the appearance of slip sheet, the domestic and international packaging methods generally used wooden pallets and plastic pallets. If the workers who pack the containers do not understand the rational use of containers, it will lead to the discovery of the sp.

Freezer pallets.

Freezer Spacers are a special plastic storage products designed for fast freezing of food and other products. Plastic freezer spacers' main purpose is to provide the fastest and the most economical freezing while keeping product as fresh as is possible. The freezer spacers are 100% food grade HDPE.

How Slip Sheets Help in Container?

How Slip Sheets Help in Container?Before the appearance of slip sheet, the domestic and international packaging methods generally used wooden pallets and plastic pallets. If the workers who pack the containers do not understand the rational use of containers, it will lead to the discovery of the sp.

The first snow coming together with Christmas on Dec 25.

The first snow coming together with Christmas on Dec 25. It is beautiful. New year is also coming. Best wishes to all our clients!

Ford mustang apple watch band

ford mustang apple watch band

That estimate makes the California Route 1 trim the most efficient option of the Mustang Mach-E, although that was always Ford’s goal. Back when Ford unveiled the Mach-E in 2019, it listed the California Route 1 as capable of 475km range, with only the Premium trim rear-wheel-drive (RWD) extended range option matching that. According to Road Show , the EPA confirmed that Premium trim of the Mach-E can do 300 miles on a charge (about 483km).

Ford’s Mustang Mach-E California Route 1 trim gets final EPA range estimate.

According to the EPA, the Mustang Mach-E California Route 1 trim can get 305 miles (about 491km) on a charge.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released final estimates for the range of Ford’s Mustang Mach-E ‘California Route 1’ trim option, which will go 305 miles (about 491km).

That estimate makes the California Route 1 trim the most efficient option of the Mustang Mach-E, although that was always Ford’s goal. Back when Ford unveiled the Mach-E in 2019, it listed the California Route 1 as capable of 475km range, with only the Premium trim rear-wheel-drive (RWD) extended range option matching that. According to Road Show , the EPA confirmed that Premium trim of the Mach-E can do 300 miles on a charge (about 483km).

The California Route 1 trim comes exclusively in RWD and the extended range battery. It also features aero inserts to make it slicker, according to Road Show . Beyond that, it’s the same SUV.

Interestingly, those looking to get as much range as possible for their dollar will want to choose the California Route 1 trim. The Premium trim extended range with RWD will run you $67,745 in Canada while the California Route 1 trim costs $65,745.

While that’s not huge savings, considering the California Route 1 trim offers up slightly more range for less than the Premium trim, it’s worth it.

Ellendale place

 ellendale place

Originally, the River des Peres ran through the neighborhood, from its underground beginnings in Forest Park. It was converted to a drainage project, and now all that remains is the valley created by it. This valley forms the main topographical characteristic of the neighborhood.

Ellendale, St. Louis.

Ellendale is a neighborhood of St. Louis, Missouri. Its eastern portion is considered a part of Dogtown, which also includes four other neighborhoods north of Manchester.


1 Location 2 History 3 Characteristics 4 Institutions and organizations 5 Planning and development 6 2011 chemical fire 7 Demographics 8 See also 9 References 10 External links.

Ellendale is bounded by Manchester on the North, I-44 on the south, Hampton on the East, and the City limits on the West. The neighborhood is surrounded by Lindenwood Park, Clifton Heights, The Hill, and the other "Dogtown" neighborhoods of Clayton/Tamm and Franz Park.

Originally, much of what is now Ellendale was land owned by James E. Sutton, who died in 1877. He bequeathed his land to his nine children. Kate Thomas, one of his daughters, started Ellendale. Although an accident destroyed much of the housing built before the World's Fair in 1904, some old homes built after the fair, mostly for the executives of Scullin Steel, are still standing. The area began to grow residentially in the last years of the century, helped along by the electric streetcars, which began running to the area in 1896.

The area was first opened to industrial activity in the 1850s because of the construction of the Pacific Railroad and the mining of clay for fire brick. Coal was also discovered, but not enough to make it a long-lasting, profitable endeavor. Scullin Steel Co. stood as a landmark in the neighborhood until it ceased production in the 1970s. The former site is now St. Louis Marketplace, located on Manchester and Abbott. The railroads still run through the area.

Originally, the River des Peres ran through the neighborhood, from its underground beginnings in Forest Park. It was converted to a drainage project, and now all that remains is the valley created by it. This valley forms the main topographical characteristic of the neighborhood.

Ellendale is no longer an industrial neighborhood. It is very residential, with most commercial and office space. The housing is mainly single-family units (almost 70 percent, running from small starter homes to larger dwellings. The population is fairly small, at only 1,700. Household size is fairly small, averaging only 2.3 people per household, with a majority of the households having only one or two inhabitants. The area is solidly middle-class, with a median household income at almost $24,000 and a median family income at just over $31,000. There are very few residents classified as either "poor" or "very poor".

In general, the workforce is educated, with some 30 percent of those over 25 years old having attended college. The unemployment rate is just over 6 percent. Almost two-thirds of the houses are owner-occupied, and less than 10 percent of the housing stock is currently vacant. In general, the area is very safe, with the lowest reported crime rate in the city. Transportation is easily accessible via the highway networks that run close to the neighborhood, as are shopping opportunities. For entertainment and leisure, Forest Park and the St. Louis Science Center are not far away, and the adjacent neighborhoods offer plenty of dining experiences, as well as a variety of other services, such as hospitals, shopping centers, and movie theaters.

Ellendale itself is a small neighborhood and relies on some of the assets and resources of the surrounding communities. It does, however, have a few very important institutions. As mentioned before, the old Scullin Steel building was turned into the St. Louis Marketplace, home to a strip mall with discount shopping, as well as some chain stores. The area is still home to the Principle Union Pacific Railroad and the Burlington Northern Railroad. For residents, there is an Ellendale Neighborhood Association, which meets monthly. There is also the Wilkinson/Early Childhood Center II Magnet School, originally built in 1927.

There have been some effective planning in Ellendale. The conversion of the old Scullin Steel plant into retail space is one such example that shows how the area is changing with the times. In order to establish this shopping area, railroad tracks had to be diverted.

A five-alarm chemical fire at Chemisphere Corporation occurred about 2:30 AM on Monday, June 20, 2011, according to an online news article that day by Kim Bell of the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch. The fire forced hundreds of people from their homes, shut down an interstate and brought hazardous materials teams to the scene. The fire was spotted by people driving along Interstate 44. The plant is in the 2100 block of Cliffton Avenue. Flames were shooting into the air, and an orange glow and smoke could be seen for miles. By 7:00 AM, most of the 500 residents who had been evacuated were allowed to return home, though they were not allowed to take their cars. Though no hazardous levels of chemicals were detected and no one aside from three firemen with minor shake injuries were injured, some people said they sensed a metallic taste in their mouths (the company has a rail spur that brings in rail cars carrying solvent-distribution products such as glycol ethers, alcohol, aliphatic hydrocarbons, alkalis, aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, acids, glycol ether esters, surfactants, glycols and glycerins, plasticizers and esters). [2]

Historical population Year Pop. ±% 2000 1,656 — 2010 1,575 −4.9% 2020 1,385 −12.1%

In 2020 Ellendale's racial makeup was 76.3% White, 10.6% Black, 0.2% Native American, 1.7% Asian, 8.4% Two or More Races, and 2.5% Some Other Race. 4.3% of the population was of Hispanic or Latino origin. [3]

In the Federal era, the Old State Road was built to connect the newly founded county seat of Georgetown with the state capital of Dover. With emancipation, African Americans took up free lives in the area and the railroads came after the American Civil War. Ellendale was founded in the early 19th century and surveyed in 1866–1867. Ellendale was first settled near the Morris Tavern Crossroads, near the current Old State Road and Main Street intersection, by a handful of families. The city is rumored to be named after either the daughter of Whig Republican Alfred Short, a state legislator, the wife of Dr. John S. Prettyman who laid out the town, [5] or the daughter of Mr. Thomas William Dale, the chief engineer of the railroad survey team. Ellendale's current site was established in 1866 when the families moved east to settle around the Junction and Breakwater Railroad Depot. On July 16, 1873 the Ellendale Methodist Episcopal Church purchased land to erect a church, parsonage, and school. Ellendale's economy rapidly advanced as the RJ Clendaniel Sawmill, the Jester & Reed Canning Company, a brick yard, several peach evaporating and canning companies, basket factory, the Phillip J Ritter Ketchup Company, Ellendale Excelsior Company, and button factory opened in the town. The railroad was purchased by the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1905 and that same year the town was formally incorporated. [6] In February 1895, the Queen Anne's Railroad was authorized by the Delaware legislature to extend its rail lines across the state to Lewes. The goal of the company was to establish a direct link between Baltimore and Delaware's coastal resorts. This additional rail line passed through Ellendale and provided passenger, freight, and mail services as far west as Queenstown, Maryland (with links to Baltimore via steamship) and east to Rehoboth Beach (with links to Cape May, New Jersey via steamship) with the first passenger trains passing through in 1897. A post office was erected, with a large second floor room that was used by the Independent Order of Red Men, a break off group of the Improved Order of Red Men that was established in the town, at the site of what is now the Town Hall.

Ellendale, Delaware.

Ellendale is a town in Sussex County, Delaware, United States. The population was 487 at the 2020 census, an increase of 27.8% since the 2010 census, and a 48.9% increase since the year 2000. It is part of the Salisbury, Maryland-Delaware Metropolitan Statistical Area. Ellendale is the "Gateway to Delaware's Resort Beaches" because it is the town located on U.S. Route 113, the resort area's westernmost border, and Delaware Route 16, the resort area's northernmost border with the eastern border being the Delaware Bay and Atlantic Ocean and the southern border being the state line with Maryland.


1 History 1.1 Early history 1.2 The Black Camp Insurrection 1.3 19th Century 1.4 20th Century to Present 2 Geography 3 Demographics 4 Town government 5 Public safety 5.1 Crime 6 Economy 7 Infrastructure 7.1 Transportation 7.2 Utilities 8 Education 9 Places of interest 10 References.

Early history Edit.

Ellendale started as a forest and swamp on the divide between the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bay. The swamp was the hunting grounds of the Nanticoke Indian Tribe until they were driven out by the Lenni Lenape Tribe on the Battle Green near Chestnut Ridge, a hill on Ellendale's north side. The Lenape Trace, a main thoroughfare of a trail, passed through Ellendale as a Native American trade route from Pocomoke City, Maryland to Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania. With the arrival of Europeans, the Ellendale area was a province of fur traders and hunters. Early in the 18th century, farming and timbering pushed back the swamp that once covered the area. The tract of land on which the town would later be built was originally deeded in 1740 as "Bennett's Pleasure". [3]

The Black Camp Insurrection Edit.

The "Nanticoke Swamp," as the Ellendale Swamp was then called, was depicted as a place where criminals routinely hid from the law in the depositions of a 1759 murder that occurred. One of the main causes being the issue of jurisdiction as both Maryland and Delaware were in a boundary dispute and claimed the area. The Ellendale Swamp became a refuge for Loyalists at the time of the 1780 Black Camp Insurrection during the American Revolution. Harold Hancock describes the insurrection in his History of Sussex County : "With the removal of the British from Philadelphia in the spring of 1778, the number of enemy vessels in Delaware Bay decreased, and the activities of Sussex County Tories diminished. Only one other insurrection in Sussex County occurred – the famous Black Camp Rebellion of 1780. The insurrectionists were mainly from Cedar Creek and Slaughter Neck Hundred, and their headquarters were in a swamp about six miles (10 km) north of Georgetown. Their leaders, Bartholomew Banynum (Banum) and William Dutton, had about 400 men formed in “Associations” or militia companies. An investigator reported the causes as follows: ‘Some of these ignorant people were for opposing all law, others for establishing what they called the King’s Laws – and others for opposing the payment of taxes – but generally seem to have believed that all to the southward of Chesapeake Bay had laid down their arms and submitted to the King’s Laws – and that they should very easy make Sussex County do the same.’

Militia from Kent County dispersed the insurrectionists. Some were sent off to serve in the Continental Army, and thirty-seven were indicted for treason in the State Supreme Court. Eight were ordered to be hanged ‘by the neck but not till you be dead, for then your bowels must be taken out and burnt before your face, then your head must be severed from your body, and your body divided into four Quarters, and these must be at the disposal of the Supreme Authority in the State. Fortunately this sentence which was customary for treason was not carried out, and all the participants were pardoned by the General Assembly on November 4, 1780." [4]

There were two small villages in the area of Ellendale's current location by 1790. They were Fleatown (or Federalsburg) to the north, and New Market to the east, both of which later became ghost towns with the establishment of Ellendale.

19th Century Edit.

In the Federal era, the Old State Road was built to connect the newly founded county seat of Georgetown with the state capital of Dover. With emancipation, African Americans took up free lives in the area and the railroads came after the American Civil War. Ellendale was founded in the early 19th century and surveyed in 1866–1867. Ellendale was first settled near the Morris Tavern Crossroads, near the current Old State Road and Main Street intersection, by a handful of families. The city is rumored to be named after either the daughter of Whig Republican Alfred Short, a state legislator, the wife of Dr. John S. Prettyman who laid out the town, [5] or the daughter of Mr. Thomas William Dale, the chief engineer of the railroad survey team. Ellendale's current site was established in 1866 when the families moved east to settle around the Junction and Breakwater Railroad Depot. On July 16, 1873 the Ellendale Methodist Episcopal Church purchased land to erect a church, parsonage, and school. Ellendale's economy rapidly advanced as the RJ Clendaniel Sawmill, the Jester & Reed Canning Company, a brick yard, several peach evaporating and canning companies, basket factory, the Phillip J Ritter Ketchup Company, Ellendale Excelsior Company, and button factory opened in the town. The railroad was purchased by the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1905 and that same year the town was formally incorporated. [6] In February 1895, the Queen Anne's Railroad was authorized by the Delaware legislature to extend its rail lines across the state to Lewes. The goal of the company was to establish a direct link between Baltimore and Delaware's coastal resorts. This additional rail line passed through Ellendale and provided passenger, freight, and mail services as far west as Queenstown, Maryland (with links to Baltimore via steamship) and east to Rehoboth Beach (with links to Cape May, New Jersey via steamship) with the first passenger trains passing through in 1897. A post office was erected, with a large second floor room that was used by the Independent Order of Red Men, a break off group of the Improved Order of Red Men that was established in the town, at the site of what is now the Town Hall.

20th Century to Present Edit.

In 1918, the DuPont Highway (now known as DuPont Boulevard and U.S. 113) was completed. While this was seen as a great boon to the town, it would eventually lead to the decline of the railroad and the town's economy, leading to the closing of all the towns factories. In May 1920, after several fires in the town, the Town Council met to establish a fire department to protect the citizens and businesses of Ellendale and surrounding communities. The newly formed fire department purchased a Ford Model T fire truck for $1400 from the Viscose Silk Company in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania. The formation of a police department followed soon after with the town of Ellendale hiring its first police officer, William Bennett, in June 1921. [7]

New schools were built in the 1920s. In 1920, the Ellendale School 125 was built in the International style on Main Street on the towns west side, and the Ellendale Colored School 195C, was built between 1922-1925 on North Old State Road after funding was provided by the DuPont family. By the middle of the 1920s, with profits declining and competition for its other lines increasing, the Pennsylvania Railroad decided to abandon a large portion of the railway. The Denton, Maryland to Lewes section was purchased by the Maryland & Delaware Coast Railway, but with the decline of the locomotive as vehicle traffic increased, the line was again scheduled to be abandoned in 1931. The state of Delaware eventually purchased the portion of the line from Ellendale to Milton to maintain a freight link, making this section the last operable section of one that once spanned over 100 miles (160 km). Over sixty residents of Ellendale served in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam War.

In 1927 the Lincoln and Ellendale Electric Company was established bringing electricity to the residents of the town for the first time. Also in 1927 the Ellendale State Forest was established by the State Highway Department. When it was turned over to the State Forestry Department in 1932, it totalled 40 acres (160,000 m 2 ), today it has been expanded and combined with the Redden State Forest to well over 5,000 acres (20 km 2 ). The Appenzeller Tract in Ellendale, a small 45-acre (180,000 m 2 ) section, was a gift to the state from the DuPont family. A large woods fire between Ellendale, Georgetown, and Milton burned over 38,000 acres (150 km 2 ) in 1930 and forced the General Assembly to pass a series of forest protection laws establishing a fire control system which included building a 120-foot (37 m) fire tower just outside Ellendale to alert people of fires.

In the 1950s, numerous school districts in Kent and Sussex Counties, including Ellendale, continued to fight against desegregation after the ruling of Brown v. Board of Education. The protests which begin at the Milford School District, eventually bringing about a lawsuit that went to the Delaware Supreme Court which ruled that while segregation was unconstitutional, it did not require immediate desegregation. [8] This was further bolstered by the findings of Griffin v. County School Board of Prince Edward County. Bryant Bowles, President of the National Association for the Advancement of White People led several anti-desegregation rallies and boycotts in the area, including Ellendale, that resulted in decreased attendance at the schools. [9] [10] Ellendale School 125 and Ellendale Colored School 195C reached an agreement on consolidation, but attorney Louis L. Redding complained to the Department of Public Instruction that black teachers were being subjected to scrutiny that their white counterparts were not. [11] After desegregation, all students were educated at Ellendale School 125.

The Ellendale Town Council reorganized a police department in the 1970s. Due to fiscal constraints, the department was shut down again in the 1980s. After being restarted in the 1990s, the economic crash that started with the housing crisis caused Congress to cut funding to community policing grants and the town was forced to cut its department down to one part-time officer.

On September 27, 2008 the town of Ellendale passed its first annexation vote, 69 for to 37 against, since the town was incorporated in 1905. The 5-acre (20,000 m 2 ) parcel at the corner of Main Street and South Old State Road will be used for commercial purposes.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 0.2 square mile (0.6 km 2 ), all land.

Historical population Census Pop. %± 1910 216 — 1920 250 15.7% 1930 268 7.2% 1940 287 7.1% 1950 321 11.8% 1960 370 15.3% 1970 399 7.8% 1980 361 −9.5% 1990 313 −13.3% 2000 327 4.5% 2010 381 16.5% 2020 487 27.8% U.S. Decennial Census [14]

As of the census [15] of 2010 there were 381 people, an increase of 16.5% from the year 2000. The population density was 865.9 inhabitants per square mile (334.3/km 2 ). There were 128 housing units at an average density of 290.9 per square mile (112.3/km 2 ). The racial makeup of the town was 61.4% White, 29.4% African American, 0% Native American, 0.5% Asian, 0.5% from Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, 3.9% from other races, and 4.2% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 6.6% of the population.

There were 128 households, out of which 35.2% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 53.1% were married couples living together, 18.0% had a female householder with no husband present, and 21.1% were non-families. 14.8% of all households were made up of individuals, and 7.8% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.98 and the average family size was 3.22.

In the town, the population was spread out, with 26.0% under the age of 18, 7.8% from 18 to 24, 27.5% from 25 to 44, 26.0% from 45 to 64, and 12.5% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 36.5 years. For every 100 females, there were 94.6 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 98.6 males.

The median income for a household in the town was $37,083, and the median income for a family was $42,841. Males had a median income of $21,875 versus $17,614 for females. The per capita income for the town was $14,831. About 7.2% of families and 15.3% of the population were below the poverty line, including 32.3% of those under age 18 and 22.2% of those age 65 or over.

As of 2010 [update] , the Ellendale region's population (for the entire zip code) was 2,522 people. [16] Since 2000, it has had a population growth of 13.1%. The median home cost in the Ellendale region is $185,000. Home appreciation the last year has been -2.5%. Compared to the rest of the country, Ellendale's cost of living is 14.4% lower than the U.S. average. The public schools serving the Ellendale region spend $7,073 per student. The average school expenditure in the U.S. is $6,058. There are about 18 students per teacher in the Ellendale region. The unemployment rate in the Ellendale region is 2.7% (U.S. avg. is 4.6%). Recent job growth is positive as Ellendale region jobs have shown an increase of 0.6%. The chart below shows the cost of living for the Ellendale regions versus the average cost of living for the rest of the United States. [17]

Cost Of Living Ellendale, DE United States Overall 86 100 Food 104 100 Health 96 100 Housing 57 100 Utilities 120 100 Transportation 95 100 Miscellaneous 98 100.

Ellendale's government is a five-person town council with each member elected to a two-year term and no term limits. The town council meets the first Tuesday in each month. In 2022 the Ellendale Town Council is led by President Aaron Moore, Vice President Tamara M. Skis, Treasurer Lisa Workman, Secretary Kim Koukaras, and Tax Collector Kimberly Hughes. [18]

Town planning and zoning is done by the five person Planning Commission with appeals of decisions and requests for exemptions going before the three person Board of Adjustment. There is also a Code Enforcement Officer for the town.

The Ellendale Police Department is a small police force led by Chief Floyd Toomey that is responsible for policing in the town limits.

The Ellendale Fire Co. is a forty plus member volunteer fire, rescue, and EMS agency led by Fire Chief Andy Hamilton. The fire company is the primary provider of these services to the city of Ellendale and the surrounding areas with a local district of approximately 60 square miles (160 km 2 ). [19]

Crime Edit.

Ellendale is one of the safest municipalities in the state of Delaware based on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's 2014 Uniform Crime Reports, with only four total crimes reported in the town, the fewest of any of the 35 Delaware municipalities reporting to the FBI.

Ellendale, like many towns established in the mid-19th century, had a railroad based economy. Ellendale was centered around a junction of two rail lines. The north-south rail line is still in operation today as a freight line, operated by Delmarva Central Railroad and known as the Indian River Subdivision, although passenger operations have ceased. This secondary is designated as the area running from Harrington, Delaware south to the NRG Energy power plant. The main freight hauled on the track is coal for the NRG power plant located near Millsboro, Delaware. Other freight includes a mix of fertilizer, grain, paper, food products, chemicals, and stone. The Delmarva Central Railroad also operates another rail line in Ellendale, the Milton Branch of the former Queen Anne's Railroad, which leaves the Indian River Subdivision at Willow Street and heads east to Milton, Delaware. This line, called the Milton Industrial Track, is 6.8 miles (10.9 km) from interchange to endpoint, and is currently used to store covered hoppers for Perdue and for other railcar owners. Plans are currently underway for this line to reopen with more operations to a propane tank farm being constructed in Milton.

The largest employer in Ellendale is the Ellendale Recovery Response Center, a health facility for adults with mental health or substance abuse issues. This facility is operated in the former Ellendale public school and took the place of the Kent/Sussex Detoxification Center formerly operated by the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services. Other businesses include a machine shop, a nonprofit mental health medical facility, Philadelphia Bible College, and Perdue Farms research laboratory.

Transportation Edit.

U.S. Route 113 is the main north-south thoroughfare for the city of Ellendale, with Delaware Route 16 being the main east-west highway. U.S. Route 113 is known as DuPont Boulevard and connects Ellendale with Milford to the north and Georgetown to the south. The DuPont Boulevard's opening allowed greater access to the city. An anonymous writer in the now extinct Sunday Star newspaper wrote of the Ellendale area " . formerly one of the worst spots in the State for the traveler, where during the winter months, horses and men and automobiles became so deeply mired that they were continually having to be rescued." The writer went on to express that the area had become one of the most beautiful spots on the East Coast of the United States that was compared by tourists to part of Yellowstone National Park. [20] Delaware Route 16 is Main Street in Ellendale, also known as Beach Highway, and is a main thoroughfare to Delaware's resort beaches. Delaware Route 16 connects Ellendale with Milton to the east and Greenwood to the west.

DART First State serves Ellendale on the inter-county Route 303, which links it to Dover and Georgetown. The Route 303 connects with DART's Kent County bus routes and the inter-county Route 301 to Wilmington and Route 302 to Newark in Dover and DART's Sussex County bus routes in Georgetown with connections to Laurel, Millsboro, and Rehoboth Beach.

Utilities Edit.

Delmarva Power, a subsidiary of Exelon, provides electricity to Ellendale. [21] Chesapeake Utilities provides natural gas to the town. [22] Water in Ellendale is provided by individual wells except for the Ingram Village development, which receives water from Artesian Water Company, a subsidiary of Artesian Resources. [23] Sussex County operates the Ellendale Sanitary Sewer District, which provides sewer service to the town. [24] Trash and recycling collection in Ellendale is provided by private haulers. [23]

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<blockquote>The ejaculation themselves also demonstrate no risk in the intestinal system, and are counteracted by abdomen liquids by the prison term they arrive at the abdomen. If anything, ingesting the cumof a normal and balanced men may as a matter of fact be suitable for you, afterward it is a very focused resource of amino acids, nutritional value, organic carbs, and other nutritional value. Healthy ejaculate is in general fructose and necessary protein, and doesn’t comprise whatever dangerous substances. The a little bit lighten fragrance of ejaculate arrives from its alkalic pH and instant records of swimming pool water, but if it’s light enough for a vaginal canal, it’s not attending be any harder on the oral cavity area or neck. Most significant that whenever it is hazardous. Do not reluctant.</blockquote>

Cum Eating Instructions.

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The ejaculation themselves also demonstrate no risk in the intestinal system, and are counteracted by abdomen liquids by the prison term they arrive at the abdomen. If anything, ingesting the cumof a normal and balanced men may as a matter of fact be suitable for you, afterward it is a very focused resource of amino acids, nutritional value, organic carbs, and other nutritional value. Healthy ejaculate is in general fructose and necessary protein, and doesn’t comprise whatever dangerous substances. The a little bit lighten fragrance of ejaculate arrives from its alkalic pH and instant records of swimming pool water, but if it’s light enough for a vaginal canal, it’s not attending be any harder on the oral cavity area or neck. Most significant that whenever it is hazardous. Do not reluctant.

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Dragon x reader smut

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Genre: Fluff/ Angst/ Smut/Dragon Hybrid au/ Best friend au/ Childhood friends au/ Friends to lovers au/ Tattoo artist au/ Blind au.

Dragon x reader smut.

Pairing: BTS J-hope/Hoseok x Reader.

Genre: Fluff/ Angst/ Smut/Dragon Hybrid au/ Best friend au/ Childhood friends au/ Friends to lovers au/ Tattoo artist au/ Blind au.

Summary: A sunflower bud sat under an oak tree, always growing in the shade. When the pole that supported the flower fell over, a dragon dug around the flower careful of the roots. He brought her out to the sun and became her support. He was going to protect his flower, his sunflower.

Full One shot: Here.

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the photos/gifs in this moodboard, except for Sunflower text image. Thank you @bad-new-girl for helping me create this!

Copyright 2018 © by magicalsalamander. All rights reserved.

ASOIAF (A Song of Ice and Fire)



Monster Exophilia - Long Parts.

Modern Monsters:

Male Incubus (Adrian) Female Wendigo (Amara) She-wolf Werewolf (Antonia) x female human reader - (set in-universe of Rhys Pearson) Male Lupin/Canid Rakshasa (Casen) - Male Shadow Monster (Hank) x Human! Reader (Commissioned Piece) Male Nurse Vampire (Leonardo) / Part 2 / Part 3 [NSFW]- Male College Teacher Minotaur x f! reader (Matthias Benoit) [NSFW] Male Orc (Mykel) - Male Werewolf (Rhys) x Human! Reader / Part 2 / Part 3 - Infected/Undead Male (Ryan) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 (FINALE) Male Tiefling Burlesque Dancer (Sol) x Asexual Reader / Part 2 Wolfman x f! reader [NSFW]

Aquatic Creatures:

Whale Shark Boyfriend (Arlo) Merman (Caspian) x Female! Reader Part 1 / Part 2 [NSFW] Male Selkie (Jaemos) x GN Reader Stingray Merman (Kairius) Koi Merman (Lochlan) [NSFW] Male merman (Nereus) - Octopus Merman (Tullius) - Short fic / Part 2 [NSFW]


Yandere Drider (Kalannar) x Male human Albino Drider (Levi) Male Drider (Nyraen) x Reader - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 [NSFW] Female Drider (Sarris) x F! Reader [NSFW]

Fae Realm:

Cruel Fae Prince (Albericus) x male reader [NSFW] Lord of the Night (Calen) x human! female reader Male Fae (Erolith) Magpie Fae x GN reader (Tehlmar) Part 1 / Part 2.

Elves and Pixies:

Male Drow Sorcerer (Ardul) x Male Reader Male Pixie (Cirrus) Part 1 / Part 2 Female healer elf (Daelora) x hunter! reader High elf boyfriend (Seeker) x GN! reader Part 1 / Part 2 Male! Drow (Vevmis) x Human! Female reader.

Vampires, Demons and Angels:

Succubus (Cahrriane) x human male [NSFW] Vampyre’s Bride (Cassius) x f! reader Yandere f! Vampire (Cressida Beauregard) x f! reader Male Angel (Evangelos) Male Vampire (Ezekiel) x Human! Reader - Part 1 / Part 2 [NSFW] / Part 3 [NSFW] | Part 4 (FINALE) Female Vampire (Faline) x Female human! Reader Male Oni (Isao) Demon Prince (Vorrelith) x Human! Reader / Part 2 / Part 3 [NSFW] Gargoyle-Demon Boyfriend (Vrizzem) x Healer Human Reader Shadow Monster x Genderless Reader [NSFW]

Royal Courts:

Royal Rakshasa Guard (Aureus) x Female Reader Golden Naga Prince (Shesmetet) [NSFW] / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 (FINALE) Rakshasa Girlfriend (Zarita) x Female Reader (OC) / Part 2.

Orcs, Dragons and Harpies etc:

Male Rakshasa (Aleksandr) Part 2 / Part 3 [NSFW] Barbarian Orc (Alexios) Husband [NSFW] Kitsune boyfriend (Akito) [NSFW] Male Minotaur (Damien) Male Harpy/Birdman Monster (Edmund) x GN reader Part 1 Aarakocra Boyfriend (Enzo) x F! Reader / Part 2 Half-Orc Girlfriend (Kajsa) (Medusa) x f! blind reader Male Tiefling (Morthos) Male Harpy (Nickolai) x GN Reader - Part 1 Male Cervitaur (Rònan) Alien Captain (Sorloith) x female human (OC) / Part 2 [NSFW] / Part 3 [NSFW] Dragonborn Paladin (Tarak) Male Dragon (Zirenth) x Male Prince (H/C)

Beyond/Below the Trees:

Male Skin-walker/Nature Spirit (Daithi) x GN Reader / Part 2 Runt of the Litter Gnoll (Gaius) Lamia x Human Reader (Petros) (Beauty and the Beast AU) Seduced by a Naga Pharaoh Lamia Boyfriend (Xanthorus)

Sentence prompts Naga courting A yandere drider The caring dragon - m/m The princess and the dragon Coaxing you to swim - merman Worshipped by a naga Captured by a drow Lap-sitting - Rakshasa Camping with a werewolf.

Sentence prompts Reciprocating love with a Shadow Monster (Hank) A proud harpy who lost his feathers during a moult A drow with nightmares Prince Shesmetet smut and fluff Bending the roles around with an Orc (Mykel) Fluffy moments with a vampire (Ezekiel) ‘Tenderness’ (with Prince Albericus) Consoling an injured Pixie (Cirrus)

ASOIAF (A Song of Ice and Fire)

Aegon I Targaryen (the Conqueror) x Stark! Reader - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 (NSFW) / Part 4 (finale) Aegon I Targaryen (the Conqueror) x Targaryen! Reader - The Silent Queen Rhaenys Targaryen x Aegon I Targaryen - The Dragon’s Trust Rhaegar Targaryen x Stark! Reader - Bedding ceremony Lyanna Stark x Daeron Targaryen OC (son of Aerys II) - The She-Wolf and the Young Dragon.

Slumber for your Qualms (Arcane Viktor x Reader), Part 2 My Night Guard (Ahkmenrah x Reader) Intoxicating (Drunk! Jacob Frye x Reader) Now, Where Were We? (Jacob Frye x Rook! Reader) Pain Relief (Jacob Frye x Injured! Reader) Part 1, Part 2 To Grasp At Warmth (RK900/Nines x Reader) Toxic (Gavin Reed x Reader x RK900) A Little Pick-Me-Up (Connor x Reader) Breathe, okay? (Prince Lotor x Paladin! Reader)

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1. Activist.

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These sims are going to get whims for things like complimenting other sims, buying a podium, asking for bribes and donating to online charities.

2. Curious Sims 4 CC Traits.

“Curious sims are always interested in the world around them. They find out certain things more quickly and are no stranger to danger. They tend to be inspired and will get tense or bored if they can’t find anything to do. They are always wondering about the world around them and occasionally want to try new things and see what happens”

The next in our list of custom traits for The Sims 4 is the curious trait that you’ll find in the social category. This trait can be used by children through to elders so its definitely versatile!

Just be sure you don’t take this one too far because we all know that curiosity killed the cat!

3. Loser CC Trait.

“These Sims have a harder time succeeding in life than other Sims, be it at work on in school. Losers also gain experience more slowly and have a harder time establishing connections.”

Next up is the loser trait which will make sure your sims definitely aren’t cool and suave. These sims are going to have a definite challenge just functioning in their day to day lives and will be struggling most of the time.

Their whims just show that they wish they were winners because they’ll want to win a game of chess or a card game or maybe even a game of horseshoes and it will make them pretty sad when they continue to lose.

4. Agoraphobia.

“This sim has an extreme or irrational fear of public spaces. Leaving home is not a good idea.”

The agoraphobia trait is going to make your sim absolutely detest being out in crowds which can make life difficult. They’ll be scared to go out in public and will get uncomfortable moodlets.

These sims are not going to excel at the charisma skill or want to be in careers where they have to talk to a lot of other sims during their time off.

5. Handy Helper CC Trait.

“This trait is for sims that are all around handy, they enjoy cleaning, repairing and cooking.”

This handy helper trait is going to be the best live-in maid you’ve ever controlled in a virtual world. These sims are going to absolutely have hobbies, as long as those hobbies include being a domestic helper.

They’ll excel with their cooking skill and will completely loving showing off the handiness skill and fixing items all around their home.

6. Violent Trait.

“Violent sims are almost always angry and become angry easily. THey’ll also act out on angry emotions more often, such as yelling at other sims and kicking over trash cans.”

Any sim who has the violent trait is going to struggle keeping friendships because they are great at making other sims angry or sad because of how violet and angry they are. These sims are way more likely to act out on their emotions too!

Just be careful with this one because too much anger is not a good thing in The Sims 4 and this cc trait can lead to a cardiac arrest death!

7. Coffee Lover.

“These sims will get a happy moodlet when drinking or brewing coffee.”

There are definitely some people reading this that can relate to the coffee lover trait . With this sims 4 cc traits option your sims are going to love brewing and drinking coffee to the point where its essentially their new hobby.

They are going to get whims to brew coffee and drink it, as well as positive moodlets from a good cup of joe.

8. Workaholic.

“Workaholics will progress in careers and employee’s skills faster. They will never be tense and their fun need will decay slower. No time to waste, time is money!”

A sim who has the workaholic trait is going to never get tense after a long, hard day at work. They’ll love working hard and their fun need will decay slower when at work, which is a game-changer.

These sims are going to have their hygiene need decay faster though, they’re just working so hard they can’t stop sweating I guess.

9. Guitar Legend.

“Sims with the Guitar Legend trait pick up on the guitar skill very easily. They were born to play. They tend to want to socialize and have fun more often.”

Sims who are lucky enough to be a guitar legend are an elite group. These sims are going to gain the guitar skill much quicker than others, allowing them to earn more money from tips more quickly.

They’ll be able to do extremely well in the entertainer career and be able to license songs more quickly to really bring in some dough.

10. Alcoholic.

“This sim likes to spend most of their time in bars and clubs drinking drinks and getting drunk. Luckily for them they drink so much their body is resistant to it, well kinda.”

The alcoholic trait isn’t going to be for everybody, but there are many players that want more real-life struggle traits in their game. These sims are going to become tense at times where they haven’t been to a bar recently and will get happy when inside a club.

11. Super Keener.

“These sims will be super smart, super focused, and super outgoing.”

A sim who has the super keener trait is going to be great in any mental careers and skills, like the logic skill . These sims are going to have an easier time channelling the focused emotion which can be useful in gaining mental skills more quickly too!

These sims will thrive as doctors, scientists, and even as astronauts ! They are going to gain the charisma, logic, programming, rock science and video gaming skills more quickly which is a good bunch!

12. Diva Sims 4 CC Traits.

“This sim is so full of themselves they don’t know what’s stuck up their backside. They do know they are great and are proud of it.”

When you give a sim the diva trait they are going to be very aware that they are the best and will be extremely confident because of it. They are going to get whims for things like dancing and will always be feeling good about themselves.

13. Warm Hearted.

“These sims tend to put the needs of others over their own needs. They feel a strong sense of responsibility and duty. They are extremely energetic and loving.”

A sim who is warm-hearted is going to have their relationships gain so much more quickly which is a major bonus if you don’t feel like using relationship cheats . Because of this a warm-hearted sim will gain their social skills like charisma and mischief so much more quickly.

These sims will never have the uncomfortable or sad emotions because it is just not in their nature!

14. Coward Custom Trait.

“These sims are sims who get scared easily and have many fears.”

A sim who happens to be a coward is going to be a bit of a scaredy cat. These sims are going to spend a lot of their time feeling embarassed and will love to share their insecurities with other sims.

These sims will gain the fitness skill 30% slower than any other sims, plus they are going to have their bladder need decay more quickly, so beware of peeing their pants!

15. Anarchist.

“These Sims love to go against the machine and loathe most forms of interactions. They aren’t going to be pushed around by anybody! They often find themselves frustrated.”

Next up on our list of sims 4 cc traits is the anarchist trait which is definitely a fun one. These sims are going to do amazingly if they decide to work in the criminal career but they will actually do worse in the secret agent career.

These sims are going to have their social need decay slowly so they can be anti-social and avoid most interactions!

16. Born Chef.

“Sims with this trait are gifted chefs and every meal they make is a work of art. They achieve cooking and baking skills a lot faster than regular sims.”

A sim who is a born chef is super gifted when they are in the kitchen and are born to be in the culinary career . These sims are going to work more quickly at gaining cooking, baking, gourmet cooking and herbalism skills more quickly. They’ll even have their hunger decay slowly!

17. Savant.

“Savants gain all skills much faster.”

This savant trait mod is going to switch up how the reward store trait works. The trait is purchasable with your satisfaction points and will give you a 25% boost in all skill gains but this isn’t enough.

With this savant trait you’ll be able to have your sims gain skills up to 12x faster than before.

18. Compassionate.

“These sims are loved by everybody. Just being near these sims makes others jump with joy. It is harder for these sims to be mean, and if they are other sims forget it easily.”

Sims who are compassionate are going to gain relationships more quickly and are usually feeling happy and often feel flirty. They love being near other friends and family and others love being around them too!

19. Gross.

“Sims with this trait need to take showers or baths a lot as their hygiene needs decays quickly. As such, it is harder for these Sims to have friendships. These sims enjoy causing mischief and have an easier time doing so.”

A sim who is gross , is well, gross! These sims are going to get dirty so much more quickly than regular sims and no one is going to enjoy being around them unless they are showing often. These sims will struggle to maintain friendships because of how dirty they can be.

20. Modest.

“These sims are not prideful nor are they egotistic. They take great pride in dressing nicely and are kind, helpful, but do not allow people to walk over them.”

A modest sim is a sim who doesn’t like to boast or brag, but they are good at what they do. These sims will get 1.35x mental skill gains and will even have a high work ethic than most sims but they’d never tell you about it.

These sims are going to get whims for things like cleaning, writing, and chatting with others sims.

21. Anti-Social Mastermind.

“These Sims are extremely anti-social and have no conscience . They are prideful, aggressive, and live a selfish and lonely life.”

A sim who is an anti-social mastermind doesn’t need to talk to other sims much. These sims have their social need decay slowly which means they really don’t talk much, they don’t even really want to chat and can get negative moodlets when they do.

They are great when working in the criminal career especially and can get some real joy out of using their mischief skill .

22. Dunce.

“Sims with this trait have a weak intellect that it makes it hard for them to improve their mental skills but through the balance of brains and brawn they perform better at fitness.”

A sim who is a dunce doesn’t love using their brain so they are really great at the fitness skill and can workout for hours. They’ll also have a faster comedy skill gain, because if you can’t be smart you should try and be funny.

These sims should steer clear of any mental careers like a scientist because it’ll be really hard for them to get their skills up .

23. Artistic Prodigy.

“These Sims are literally born with a paintbrush in their hands. They’ll always be happy in front of a canvas and they’re inspired by default.”

These sims are going to gain the painting skill more quickly than regular sims and will be inspired most of the time. They’ll have whims that make them want to paint! As children they are going to gain the creativity skill more quickly too, so it helps even when they’re little!

24. Hipster.

“You’ve probably never heard of this trait.”

These sims are going to gain creative skills faster, including things like photography . They tend to be bored by normal day to day tasks and definitely need to be wearing a flannel and a beanie. These sims are going to be bored more often than regular sims because they’re just too cool.

25. College Student.

“Being a college student means staying up until 4PM working on a paper and contemplating why you had three weeks to do it, but decided to wait until the very last moment. Being a college student means never checking you bank account because you don’t need that negativity in your life.”

A sim who is a college student is going to be way more wired from working and spending all of their time working on school . They’ll see their energy need and hygiene need decay more slowly than other sims.

These sims are going to get whims for things like reading, studying, playing video games, and will get random buffs like overwhelmed from being a college student.

26. Nonchalant.

“These Sims become focused when surroundings are calm. These sims tend to be relaxed and are rarely tense or uncomfortable. They tend to write their thoughts down instead of social interactions.”

These sims are going to have their social need decrease more slowly, they will love to write books and really don’t like when music is playing around them. If these sims are left alone with high autonomy they’ll choose to write books for fun!

27. Pyromaniac.

“Pyromaniacs enjoy fires a little more than others do. They can create fires and are immune to them.”

These sims are going to get a happy moodlet when fires happen instead of feeling tense and are able to start a fire whenever they want, just like angry ghosts who died from fire. They won’t die from fire but get sad when fires are put out.

28. Astrophile.

“They will love looking at the stars and doing outdoor stuff like being around the fireplace… anything that brings them close to starlit skies.”

Sims who are an astrophile will absolute love looking at the stars and star gazing, they love thinking about the stars too!

29. Winter Child.

“These sims get a happy buff when doing winter activities.”

A sim with this trait will love making snow angels, building snow people, and going skating. Of course, you’ll need The Sims 4: Seasons to really enjoy this trait.

30. Cultured Vampire.

“Cultured. Romantic. Creative. Snobbish.”

Next up on the list of sims 4 cc traits is cultured vampire. This trait was created specifically for vampires and combines the snob, creative and romantic traits that come with the game. These sims are never going to be dazed or embarrassed and their base emotion is flirty.

31. Gourmand.

“These sims often indulge themselves in food, are extremely slobby, and just want to enjoy all the food life throws at them.”

These sims are going to have their hunger and hygiene decay faster than normal sims. They are going to get the same kind of whims that sims who may be a glutton, foodie, or lazy sims.

32. Popular.

“Popular sims take being social to a whole new level. They make friends really easily and they skill up quickly in social skills.”

These sims are able to make friends extremely quickly and will gain the charisma skill quickly. With this sims 4 cc trait they will never get bored since they have so many friends, and they also never get embarrassed because who cares, they’re popular.

33. Attractive Personality.

“If love is labor then these sims have it easy!”

These sims are going to be flirty more often, love being romantic and participating in romantic interactions with other sims. They’ll build romantic relationships faster too.

When you give your sims this sims 4 cc trait they are going to feel like the most wonderful, beautiful and flirty person in the world!

34. Early Bird.

“Early bird sims love to get out of bed early and spend their mornings being productive! Don’t expect them to stay up too late though.”

These sims are going to want to wake up extremely early and will get an energized moodlet when they are up early and doing things. This trait applies between 5 in the morning and 11 and your sims will be having the best time.

35. Heartbreaker.

“Commitment issues, mean, flirty, and self assured.”

These sims are going to break hearts and not even care about it. Their romantic relationships are going to decay much quicker than regular sims. They’ll get whims for things like woohoo with a sim or break up with significant other.

36. Auntie.

“She’s wild. She’s extra– real extra. Most of the family secretly hates her because she’s lowkey a critic, but she’s cool when you get to know her. She’s always with that grown slayage when she steps out the door.”

This sims 4 cc trait is a really fun one for you to create fun family dynamics with blood relatives or family friends that you called your auntie. These sims will want to be happy, confident, energized, have drinks, and just generally have a good time.

37. Drama Queen.

“These sims are lover of theatrics and can make a show out of the smallest of details. Sometimes they can throw a tantrum over seemingly nothing.”

These sims are going to make things seem like more than they actually are and overreact often. They may have trouble getting along with people but will succeed at artistic endeavours.

38. Author.

“These sims are all about creating worlds and stimulating the sense with their words. Authors easily find inspiration in anything and everything. They want to write all the time and often find time to write instead of sleep.”

Sims with the author trait are going to enjoy writing more than a regular sim and want to spend the most amount of time writing. They’ll want to have the best selling author aspiration and will do so well when writing.

39. Authoritarian.

“These sims hate disobedience, and rarely exercise their free will, however, they adore authority.”

This sims are going to love feeling confident and would be great in the detective career from The Sims 4: Get to Work . They love authority so of course they’d love to be that authority!

40. Autumn Child.

“Excited for Autumn? Your sims will be too, with this trait!”

These sims are going to really enjoy doing autumn activities, for example they will get positive moodlets from playing with leaves. You’ll definitely want to have The Sims 4: Seasons installed to truly enjoy this one.

41. Awakened Mind.

“These sims rarely need sleep, advance in mental skills quickly and never get uncomfortable because their brains are so advanced.”

These sims are going to be valuable because they don’t need as much sleep and their energy decays much slower than others, and they’ll never be uncomfortable.

42. Baby Maker.

“Babies, Babies, Babies! Can’t get enough of them. This sim wants lots of children. They are flirty very often and have many baby mamas or baby daddies to give them children.”

This trait will make sims want to have babies even more than the family oriented trait does. These sims are going to have whims to try for baby and kiss other sims to eventually start creating babies. Definitely a perfect trait for a sim trying to do the 100 Baby Challenge .

43. Bibliophile.

“For some people there is no greater joy than reading.”

This trait is a lot like the bookworm trait and will have your sims getting even more positive moodlets when they are reading books. They’ll prefer to sit in a comfy chair or read a book in bed instead of going to a birthday party .

44. Blerd.

“This is the trait for your geeky, nerdy, yet woke sims. These sims spend all day playing games and noticing the lack of diversity hoping that game developers will one day include diverse characters and features. Although these sims may not always openly state their observations when in certain spaces, these sims to protest and are activists for the cause when it is necessary.”

These sims are going to love playing video games and get whims for video gaming as well as gain the video gaming skill faster. They also love to promote cause and protest if they have The Sims 4: City Living .

45. Borderline.

“Sims with Borderline Personality Disorder become attached to people quickly, are impulsive, become lonely very easily, and experience bouts of anxiety, fear or abandonment, and inappropriate anger.”

This trait is focused on the real life mental health disorder Borderline Personality Disorder and can help you feel like you are playing a life close to your own if you have BPD in your personal life. These sims are going to get angry, sad, and tense buffs often.

46. Bossy.

“This sim loves telling people around them what to do and when to do it. They are always confident and never embarrassed. Others are way too frightened to go against them. They are the boss and everyone knows it.”

This sims 4 cc trait is going to make it so these sims are confident almost always and won’t feel embarrassed. They are going to get some mean whims and also things that will make them confident. They are going to have a harder time growing relationships but will have them decay slowly once they’ve gained them.

47. Bothered.

“This is the trait for the sims that report other sim’s Patreons simply because they have ONE file out of their hundreds of files that is Patreon exclusive. These sims feel the need to pick on creators that focus on afrocentric content, but completely ignore the users that don’t. These sims also are on Rotten Tomatoes all now giving the Black Panther a bad review just because.”

These sims love to admire possessions and throw fits. They want to spend time ranting and raving and complaining as much as they can. They may even get angry moodlets when they get bothered. These are definitely not the kinds of sims you want to be friends with, but that’s what makes a good sims 4 cc traits option!

48. Calm.

“These sims seem to retain calmness in all manner of circumstances, where most other sims would become flustered, angry, and overwhelmed.”

These sims are going to be more inclined to put themselves first, including self care. They love spending time just hanging out and don’t want to do too much too quickly. They love spending time relaxing and getting their nails done too.

49. Career Oriented.

“These sims are talented in every way when it comes to things involving careers. These sims take their career easily and become inspired often. They also love having side jobs in order to make extra money.”

These sims are going to have an extra skill increase rate for almost every skill in the game because they are good at everything. They are also going to get an increase in their career gain .

50. Caribbean.

These sims are going to love being flirty with other sims and doing romantic interactions. They love telling stories to other sims, they will get an increase in the athlete career , criminal, culinary and entertainer career and so much more. You can get so many interesting traits like this one when you use sims 4 cc traits!

51. Crazy.

“Crazy sims are playful by default, can’t become sad or embarrassed and build their mischief skill and relationships faster. They are incapable of being focused, or inspired.”

The next trait on the list of sims 4 cc traits is crazy. These sims are going to have an increased gain for comedy , mischief and social skills. They will have whims like becoming playful, telling jokes, trolling the forums and more. It’s essentially like mixing a goofball and a mean sim together.

52. Creole.

“Strong willed resilient. Neat but chaotic. Jazzy or musical maybe both. Loves spice, color, brightness. Hunger for knowledge but will always add flare. Great cook awesome cook. Specializing in Jambalaya, Gumbo, seafood melodies and epic stews with biscuits. Handy with a green thumb. Lover of the land flowers and people. Lover of family and friends who become family. Lover of mix and culture because they are a mix of flavors and culture. Smooth talking, alluring, sexy just pure down home Naw’Rleans”

A sim who chooses to use this sims 4 cc trait is going to have a ton of skills improve more quickly like painting, baking, cooking, dancing and more. They’ll gain romance with other sims 2.5x faster than a regular sim and will get whims for things like talking about cooking or research cooking techniques.

53. Daydreamer.

“These sims often lose focus on what they are doing, and they get distracted by their daydreams. They are never bored, and can find fun by thinking of mystical things. Daydreamers are very creative.”

We all know a person who is a daydreamer and refuses to be brought back down to earth. They are often distracted and won’t get bored because they can be entertained by their own thoughts. They’re definitely creative sims and will gain the painting skill more quickly because of it.

54. Depressed.

“Major Depressive Disorder consists of severe depressive symptoms that interfere with one’s ability to work, sleep, study, eat, and pretty much enjoy life.”

This trait was created so that people who are depressed can make sims who are more like them. They will have sad as their default mood and can never be truly happy. These sims will get creative skills (like the painting skill ) faster and social skills slower.

55. Emo.

“These sims tend to be depressed. They don’t normally like to talk to other sims, except for other emos.”

This trait brings me back to being 12 years old and listening to fall out boy and my chemical romance. This is perfect for a moody teenager and can be a lot of fun. These sims tend to be depressed more often and will probably not enjoy talking much to other sims so they won’t gain the charisma skill too quick.

56. Excitable.

“Excitable sims love the hype. They can become excited in certain situations causing them to be energized more often and occasionally gain energy boost.”

These sims are going to gain friends more quickly, get physical skills quicker and not need as much sleep. However, their fun and social are going to decrease more quickly. Definitely a must have for your sims 4 cc traits folder!

57. Fabulous.

“These Sims tend to be happy all the time. Often called Senpai, they are always fabulous and as manly (or girly) as can be. They do need an extra large lose of fun though!”

When you download sims 4 cc traits like fabulous you’ll have your sims having most of their needs decay slowly and can gain comedy and video gaming skills improve faster. Their relationships also increase more quickly than others.

58. Funny.

“This is the trait for your sims who always make others laugh.”

These sims are going to get whims to tell jokes all the time and love doing funny interactions. They are also going to get increases in their skill gain for the comedy skill and will do better in the entertainer career .

59. Game Junkie.

“What can you say, you love games, hacking, programming and anything related.”

Sims with the game junkie trait are going to want to play video games a ton, as well as enjoy programming tasks . It’s a lot like the geek trait in the game and will have your sims enjoying being on the computer.

60. Gamer.

“Gamer sims are very skilled hackers and programmers. They gain a small boost in creative and have no interest in social skills.”

These sims love to play video games and are going to get an increase in rate of gaining the programming and gaming skill. They are also going to get random focused moodlets.

61. God or Goddess.

“ God and Goddess sims are generally happy sims who love beauty and nature. Their hunger, bladder, and energy needs no longer need to be filled.”

This trait gives your sims god like superpowers and makes it so a ton of their needs no longer need to be filled. They also won’t age anymore, so need need for age up cheats !

62. Green Thumb.

Sims who have the green thumb trait will love gardening and will get positive traits when doing things like planting, weeding, etc. They are going to really want to spend their time outdoors in their gardens.

63. Hater.

“These sims can’t stand to see other sims succeed. In their spare time, these sims love to talk about other sims negatively. However, you’ll never catch them saying it to their face.”

These sims are bitter and don’t want others to have any success in their lives. They want to talk crap about everyone all the time but will act like they never did. Such a hater.

64. Homemaker.

“This is the trait for your traditional homemaker sims. These are the sims that put their family first, are great chefs, and are hopeless romantics.”

Homemaker is next up on the list of sims 4 cc traits. These sims are going to want to spend all of their time with their family and be very loving towards their kids. They’ll love to cook and clean, and will get an increase to their gardening, parenting, writing, cooking, and baking skill. A great trait for a sim with the super parent aspiration!

65. Imaginative.

“These sims tend to daze off from reality. They are often inspired and are very creative.”

This is the perfect trait for a sim who wants to go down a creative endeavour like painting or music. They will be inspired often which can help you make better quality pieces. These sims are great for when you’re playing a legacy challenge because you’ll be able to have your sims earn quite a bit of money with their creativity in the early days of their legacy.

66. Innocent.

“These sims are pure of heart and spirit, preventing the acquisition of flirtatious moods.”

This trait is going to stop sims from feeling flirty. They are so innocent that they don’t realize when people are flirting with them and won’t become flirty themselves. This is going to make it hard for them to gain romantic relationships so you may want to use romance cheats!

67. Insecure.

“Insecure sims are embarrassed by default and never feel confident.”

Instead of starting at a fine mood, these sims are always going to feel embarrassed by default unless there are other buffs changing their mood. They also never feel confident, all confident moodlets will be blocked for these sims!

68. Insomniac.

“These sims barely sleep. They are usually up in the wee hours of the morning playing video games or randomly writing something.”

These sims actually have their energy need decay changed to zero making it so they rarely need sleep to function so don’t waste money on an expensive double bed and will want to play video games all night long.

69. Instagram Baddie.

“This Sim only understands the language of likes, followers, and comments. They know how to find their angles and lighting no matter the situation. They also specialize in scamming musicians, athletes, and other social media personalities out of their hard earned coin.”

These sims are going to want to be the most beautiful in the room at all times and love to show that off. Because of this they’ll want to have the best hairstyles to show off on social media and will need to find some gorgeous humans to love.

70. Intellectual.

“The result of an excellent education.”

Sims who have this trait are going to be better at the mental skill and gain it quicker, they will also be better at the doctor, scientist, and writer career. They are also going to get some fun focused and happy moodlets.

71. Introvert.

“Outside… what’s that? These sims are shy and hate being outside their house. They will get uncomfortable when out of their house for too long. These sims social need decays much slower, and building lasting relationships is more difficult.”

These sims will have their relationships decay quicker than many others and their social decay will decay slower than normal. They are going to gain skills a bit faster than normal and their fun decays slower.

72. Jeremy.

“This is the trait for that sim that does things that make you ask yourself “Why in the world would anybody do that?”. This sim is the sim that would suggest that you should cliff dive off a random cliff in the middle of nowhere where there would be no medical help available. This is the sim that anytime you hang out with them, you have a crazy story to tell. This sim is most definitely the most interesting sim that you could ever have in your game. This sim is friendly, funny, loves animals, has lots of drinks, and is charismatic.”

When you download the Jeremy sims 4 cc trait you’re going to see that your sims gain the charisma skill 3x more quickly than other sims, and will gain the rock climbing skill 2x more quick. They’ll get whims for having drinks, becoming good friends, and even adopting a cat or dog .

73. Julius.

“This sim is incredibly frugal. This sim could tell you the amount of money is being wasted when the fridge is open for too long. This sim knows how much money is wasted when you don’t eat a pea.”

This trait is based on the character Julius from a show called Everybody Hates Chris. These sims are extremely frugal and will get moodlets based on this. For example, if they eat all of the food on their plate they will get a happy moodlet because they know they aren’t being wasteful.

74. Lonely Intellectual.

“These Sims hate socialising, excel in mental activities and are also fairly talented in the arts. They often find themselves down.”

Next up on the list of sims 4 cc traits is the lonely intellectual trait. This trait is essentially adding the genius and loner trait together in one. You’ll get the same kinds of buffs you do with those traits, meaning you’ll get tense around tons of others, and will get focused. They’ll do better in careers like detective or scientist and will gain mental skills like rocket science more quickly.

75. Moon Child.

“Some sims are just as in love with the moon as some humans.”

Sims who have the moon child trait are going to get a happy buff if they use a telescope and get to stare at the moon. They’re obsessed with space and will want to spend all of their time at night looking at the stars!

76. Movie Freak.

“These sims absolutely love to watch movies”

These sims love to watch movies on the TV from Movie Hangout Stuff and also just love to watch TV in regular situations. They’ll get happy moodlets after watching something on TV.

77. Muse.

“Muse Sims love everything that has to do with the arts. They will gain writing, music, and painting skills faster than any other sim.”

When looking for good sims 4 cc traits you should definitely use one like Muse. This trait will get your sims to have whims for things like levelling up in the writing skill and painting! This is a great custom content trait for a sim who wants to be an artist or a musician because they are going to gain those kinds of skills more quickly which can help them a ton.

78. Natural Cook.

“Your sim isn’t just any cook. In fact, your sim is practically a god in the kitchen.”

These sims are going to gain cooking and mixology skills more quickly and will have their hunger decay more slowly. They’ll have whims for cooking and watching cooking shows. You’ll definitely want to give them the master chef aspiration !

79. Naturally Gifted.

“Everything comes easily for naturally gifted sims and they succeed at everything.”

These sims are going to be naturally confident and won’t get tense. They are going to get skills faster than other sims and will be able to easily make friends with other sims. One thing you’ll see is that these sims are confident by default because they are just so good at everything!

80. Nerd.

“These sims are smarter than the average sim. They enjoy science and math. They are not very social and usually only hang out with other geeks or nerds.”

These sims are going to gain mental skills more quickly (i.e., logic) and will love being alone and not spending much time around others. They’ll be extremely good at computer skills like programming and can create amazing apps and plugins.

81. Neurotic.

“Sim often can’t quite get a grip on life, freaking out over every little thing.”

The neurotic trait was a really popular one in The Sims 3 and was brought back by TheMuseSway. This trait will have your sims getting stressed out more often and will have some good days and some bad days. These sims will have their energy decay more quickly but their social decays more slowly.

82. OCD.

“Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over.”

These types of traits are great if you want to make sims that feel real and have some mental health struggles. These sims may have buffs that make them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed during certain situations and will enjoy cleaning things to make sure everything is in order, so the perfectly pristine aspiration would be a good option for this sim.

83. Pathetic.

“These Sims will be worse at their jobs, take longer to do their homework, get electrocuted and exhausted more easily and make things dirtier, faster.”

Our next option on the list of sims 4 cc traits is the pathetic trait. Sims with the pathetic trait are going to have slower increase in job performance and will need a lot more sleep because energy will increase more slowly. If they are a child or teen they’ll take way longer to do homework .

84. People Oriented.

“These sims love to be surrounded by and interact with other Sims.”

These sims will need to be around others often and when interacting with others their fun need will increase. They will also gain their charisma skill more quickly allowing you to be even better at social interactions!

85. Photographer.

“These sims excel in photography. It is as if they were born to be photographers.”

These sims are going to have whims for taking selfies or other photos, will love to gain the photography skill and will gain it up to 300% faster than a regular sim. These sims will get whims for things like becoming inspired , taking photos with other sims, taking selfies and even live streaming for charity.

They will do really well in the social media career because they’ll get whims for parts of that making it more worth it since you’ll gain satisfaction points just for doing your work tasks.

86. Pickmesha.

“This is a trait for those who wake everyday with a thirst for attention from the same misogynist piece of shits who will pass you up for the same women you try-and often fail-to belittle.”

These sims love to spend time looking in the mirror and also love being romantic with other sims. With this sims 4 cc trait you’ll get whims for things like making a wish, flirting with others, and kissing sims.

A sim with this trait will gain romance more quickly but their friendships will increase more slowly, so you may need relationship cheats for your friendship.

87. Plant Sim.

“These Sims are covered from head to toe in green and just want to get some sunshine.”

In the game currently, your sims can only be a Plant Sim for a few hours but this trait will make your sim a plantsim forever if that’s what you want. You can gain gardening and herbalism faster than others sims!

88. Prototype AI.

“Prototype AIs boast impressive processing power and a wide array of Sim-like emotions. However, the experimental technology behind them is prone to failure; a wide array of malfunctions are just around the corner.”

These sims won’t have their bladder, hygiene or hunger decay over time. These sims will learn stuff faster. Once in a while they may even have a short circuit leaving the sim uncomfortable for a few hours and some other malfunctions. Definitely a hilarious trait!

89. Rebel.

“Rebels tend to excel in the more… less regulated areas of life. They progress faster in the Criminal Career and have their ups and downs from raging fury to overbearing confidence.”

These sims are going to gain the guitar skill more quickly because its their favourite way to vent. They’ll get the mischief skill more quickly too! They will do incredibly well when working in the criminal career so they can earn a good amount of money.

90. Sarcastic.

“Oh well, ain’t that the trait y’all have been waiting for? Yeah, thought so.”

This trait is the best because I love being sarcastic. These sims are going to be just a little happy when they are a little salty. Other sims may not love talking to these sims though, since sarcasm isn’t for everyone.

91. Self Critical.

“These sims feel personally responsible when bad things happen, too quick to take all the blame. They often avoid taking risks and are never satisfied with achievements and have impossibly high standards.”

This sims 4 cc traits is going to really effect your sim’s life. They are going to feel tense often and will want to gain skills quickly so they feel their time is worth it. They will also get buffs saying things like “ is this good enough?” when they create things. They may even want to hide in a closet.

92. Silly.

“Silly sims are often playful, who love fun activities, mischief, and comedy. They have difficulty with the mental skill.”

These sims are going to gain friendships more easily, but will always need to find things to do that are more fun because they don’t want to be bored. They will gain the comedy skill more quickly and do better when telling jokes since they’re always feeling playful.

93. Sleepy.

“Every sim has to sleep… but these sims will get especially happy from it. Don’t we all fancy a nap or a good long night of sleep sometimes?”

A sleepy trait is the one that would apply most to me. Some people just need more sleep than others and can spend hours and hours sleeping and some sims can be like this too! These sims will get whims for naps and will want to spend the most time in their bed that they can.

94. Sleepyhead.

“These sims love to sleep. They’re always sleeping. Anytime you text them, they aren’t ignoring you… they’re just sleeping. “

These sims are going to absolutely love sleeping. They will have whims for wanting to buy a bed, take a nap, or sleep it off. They will get positive moodlets when they are in bed. You’ll definitely want to pick the best double bed for this sim.

95. Socially Awkward.

“These sims constantly struggle with social interactions and prefer to be alone. Socially awkward sims have a hard time building relationships and have a decreased charisma and comedy skill again.”

These sims are going to want to spend most of their time alone and may feel tense around strangers. They are going to have a harder time increasing the charisma skill since they feel awkward when talking to others. They also aren’t great at telling jokes so don’t expect them to get the comedy skill super quick.

96. Spiritual.

“With religion or without it, this sim takes their spirituality seriously, often becoming focused or centred. Spiritual sims do not get flirty or angry but often become inspired by their beliefs.”

There isn’t any religion or spirituality in The Sims 4 but many players wish there was. By using sims 4 cc traits you can get things like spiritual in your game. This trait will have your sims loving the wellness skill and loving to do yoga, meditate, and play music.

97. Spring Child.

“Sims with this trait will get a happy buff from gardening and doing spring activities.”

These sims are going to love doing things like gardening and spending time in the outdoors doing activities that are made for spring. You’ll want to make sure that you have The Sims 4: Seasons installed so you can take full advantage of spring activities.

98. Succubus.

“ Succubus sims have the uncanny ability to make other sims fall in love with them, almost like their life depends on it. They enjoy anything that has to do with romance or flirting and find themselves happier when they have a lover.”

Next up on our list of sims 4 cc traits is the succubus trait. Sims who have the succubus trait are going to want to have a lover at all times and will want to woohoo in different locations in the game, and their whims will show that. They’ll get whims for things like kissing, scheduling dates, and doing different types of woohoo.

99. Summer Child.

“These sims are going to get a happy buff when doing summer activities.”

These sims absolutely love the summer weather and want to do things like go swimming, play in water, and enjoy barbecues. This type of trait means you should only use it if you have The Sims 4: Seasons because without it the trait will be useless.

100. Sweet.

“These Sims love being friendly and give speeches to people. They just love a nice interaction with others and get incredibly happy.”

We all know a person who is just incredibly sweet and nice to everyone in their life. They love being nice to people and having friendly interactions with others. Since they are so sweet they can gain relationships more quickly without needing to use relationship cheats to skip the hard stuff.

101. Talkative.

“This Sim will just love the blah to other sims and give speeches.”

A sim with the talkative trait will love chatting with other sims all the time. They will blab on, sometimes maybe even talking too much. These sims can gain relationships more quickly since they love to chat, and will gain the charisma skill more quickly because of it.

102. Trouble Maker.

This trait is great for any sim who wants to be a little bit of a trouble maker and start some drama. These sims are a bit of a rebel and would be amazing when paired with the evil trait and the public enemy aspiration!

103. Two Faced.

“Two Faced Sims are untrustworthy, dishonest, and backstabbing.”

Sims who have this trait are going to have a bunch of fun when being mean to others, they’ll get angry often and love the mischief skill , so they’d be great with the chief of mischief aspiration. They’ll gain mental skills (logic, etc) more quickly and will also gain friendships more quickly.

104. Vain.

“Sims with the Vain Trait are the most beautiful Sims in the world, at least in their own eyes. Now why can’t other Sims appreciate how gorgeous they are?”

The vain trait will have your sims wanting to spend a whole bunch of time staring in the mirror and admiring their beauty. When a sim has this sims 4 cc trait in their personality they are going to get confident buffs when they are looking in the mirror so of course their charisma skill is earned more quickly.

They’ll get whims for things like freshening up in the mirror, practicing pick-up lines and even crafting a mirror of their own.

Final Thoughts.

There are so many amazing options for sims 4 cc traits out there and these over 100 options are going to absolutely change your sims. These traits are great because they will allow you to have new whims, buffs and interactions which is so great for gameplay and storytelling . Happy Playing!

<blockquote>This next set of tattoos is super interesting with the leg tattoo being the most fascinating part of the set. This tattoo is a set of ribs from a human, however, it’s in the shape of a heart with the actual heart being a red colour instead of black which is such a fun and unique look!</blockquote>

100+ Sims 4 CC Tattoos You Need to Make More Unique Characters.

One of my favourite ways to make my characters feel more unique from one another is to add sims 4 cc tattoos and body piercings so they can express themselves. However, the vanilla game of The Sims 4 has so few tattoo options and most of them are very boring.

Thankfully, these amazing custom content creators are able to constantly raise the bar and make the most beautiful sims 4 cc tattoos that have just about every style you could think of. These are some of my must-have tattoos for when I really want to spend time in create a sim and make my characters so beautiful.

Pairing these tattoos with beautiful custom content clothes and hairstyles can help you make the most gorgeous characters and really get attached and connected to your sims.

Sims 4 CC Tattoos for Face and Neck.

Having tattoos on your face or neck isn’t for the weak, you really have to commit to having these visible at (almost) all times. These sims 4 cc tattoos are so much fun for creating seriously unique characters who definitely have a story to tell. When you’re designing sims with these tattoos you’ll definitely want to put thought into their custom hairstyles too so you can make sure their look is perfect.

Various Face Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

One type of tattoo that you definitely could not hide is a face tattoo so this has to be for a sim who would own it. These face tattoos come in seven different swatches give you quite a few options.

You can have just a small cross beside either eye, or a heart beside either eye, or you could go and get beautiful or baby tattooed on your sim’s face. These are really well made and look so fun when added to the right sim.

Various Neck Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

The next set of sims 4 cc tattoos for you to download are some neck tattoos that come in a few different swatches. You can see a flower swatch, a kiss tattoo swatch, and more which gives you a lot of freedom in deciding which one you like the best.

Having these neck tattoos is fun because you can pick different tops for your sims to wear to either show them off entirely, let them peep a little bit, or hide them completely so you can have a different vibe each and every day.

Holiday Ear Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

We wish you a Meary Christmas , do you get it? Meary… because ear tattoos? Anyway, these are some definitely unique tattoos that can only be worn by sims who absolutely love Winterfest. They love winterfest to the point where they want to have father winter’s baby and dream about him all night long.

These are so cute with sixteen swatches to choose from that include things like gingerbread, candy canes, trees, and even adorable snowflakes. You definitely can’t put these on every sim, but they’re definitely a fun option!

Sweetheart Face Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

These face tattoos are a really intense choice for your sim to wear since they are right on their face, and they are going to give off a specific look. There are two hearts, one under each eye, as well as the word sweetheart on your sim’s jaw line.

These tattoos are really fun to choose because with this one tattoo location you can see that this sim is not to be messed with, and is a cooler person than you.

Broken Neck Tattoo.

Any sim who wants to make a statement with their body art can definitely choose to wear this Broken neck tattoo. This one is super interesting because unless you a re wearing a turtle neck, everyone will see it any any outfit.

This is a really cool option for a very specific type of sim, and honestly, it’s gorgeous!

Joker Face Tattoo.

These tattoos are definitely for a specific type of player who really enjoys the character of the joker from batman. It’s really fun because you can pair this with some fun face make up and green hair and a cc joker outfit to wear.

With this tattoo set you are going to get both face and body tattoos to make your sim either look right like the joker, or just add small details to make them seem like a super fan.

Full Neck Tattoo Set.

These neck tattoos are extremely detailed and interesting for your sims to have on them. These tattoos start right under your sim’s chin and go to around the collarbone.

You even have the option of using custom body sliders so you can enlarge your sim’s neck to give the tattoo more space to be seen.

Sims 4 CC Tattoos for Arms & Hands.

Your arms are definitely one of the most popular places to get tattooed so of course we had to have a category of arm sims 4 cc tattoos which are awesome. These include forearm tattoos, full sleeves and even small tattoos that your sims can have on their hands which is so beautiful.

Branches N10.

This branches tattoo is a super fun and flirty option that looks awesome on any sim. This looks super cool whenever your sim is wearing short sleeves and shows off some gorgeous details in the branches and leaves.

It’s nice because you have the option to choose from having these on a single arm, or put them on both arms so the vibe is whatever you want it to be. It’s really fun that the tattoo goes all around the arm too!

Wolf Tattoo.

The next sims 4 cc tattoos option on the list is a wolf tattoo that is designed for both masculine and feminine sims and appears on the right arm. This is a super detailed a fun tattoo with paint dripping down past the elbow which is a really fun detail.

I absolutely love that this wolf tattoo comes in both a blue swatch and a black and white swatch because they give off totally different vibes and would be used for different types of sims.

Tattoo 1804.

This tattoo is not for a sim who just wanted one tattoo, this is a tattoo for someone who got a single tattoo and then got obsessed and spent hours in the virtual tattoo chair. This piece is insane and covers half of your sim’s torso as well as an entire arm down to the wrist.

You can see so much detail in this tattoo with a peacock, a lion, tons of flowers, and even a whole face. This type of tattoo is so gorgeous and looks extremely cool in swim wear or in t-shirts.

Finger Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

Finger tattoos are such a fun option for your sims in the game, and pairs so beautifully with nail polish custom content . These types of tattoos can really make a statement for your sims!

These hand tattoos are fun because they have so many details, there’s a moon, an infinity symbol, a lotus, and even a crown to show that your sim is the queen of the castle.

Arrow Tattoo.

Arrows have been a popular option for tattoos for years and this arrow art is really simple, but also extremely fun. It goes from wrist to elbow and definitely makes a statement.

This tattoo allows you to choose from black and white as a simple option, or the option to fill the tattoo in with some purple or teal instead of just being boring.

Forever Lost Sleeve.

There is something really precious about having a bunch of random tattoos that seem to work together and this forever lost sleeve is such a great option for that. These tattoos come in five different swatches and cover many parts of your sim’s right arm.

Some of the things you can have on your arm with these tattoos are moons, butterflies and even a skeleton which is a definite vibe.

Strawberry Plant Arm Tattoo.

Do you think your sim’s favourite food is a strawberry? Well, good because this strawberry arm tattoo is a really fun option for your sims. This tattoo goes above your sims elbow and covers the majority of their upper arm.

This tattoo is really adorable and just makes me want to eat a delicious strawberry so badly. Plus, the small flower details all over the tattoo add so much flair to it.

Green Witch Tattoo.

If I were to cover myself in tattoos they would be 90% florals because they’re so beautiful. These green witch tattoos are so much fun and make your sim’s look super cool while still making them look extremely sweet.

I just imagine a sim with some custom curly hair and a cottage core dress frolicking around the garden with these tattoos just being 100% in their element.

Peace & Flowers.

This peace and flowers tattoo is a fun option and it has a hand with a peace sign with dark nail polish , as well as a bunch of flowers working their way around the hand for a really fun detail. This one is on the back of your sim’s arm and is so fun!

The photo above doesn’t really do this tattoo justice, but the creator tweeted a closer look, you can get a closer look here !

Roses Tattoo.

Once again we are here with some gorgeous floral tattoo options. This arm rose tattoo is super cool because it has three large roses as well as beautiful leaf details and a beautiful pocket watch in the middle.

The clock in the middle is so much fun and makes this floral tattoo more fun than other ones. Just one question, what made the creator choose the time of approximately 3:52? Very interesting.

Japanese Sleeve Tattoos.

There is something so interesting about full-colour tattoos and these ones are intense. They are available for both your masculine and feminine sims which is amazing and they start at the shoulder blade, go down both arms and the entire back.

Within this tattoo you can see gorgeous dragons and so many colour details that just look awesome on your sims.

Minimalist Tattoo.

Something that is severely lacking in The Sims 4 is really great minimalist tattoos that are extremely popular in the real world. This pack comes with a whole bunch of individual tattoos in different styles.

For this tattoo set you can see a fun, simple heart tattoo, a peace sign hand, a mountain, and tons of simple line work tattoos of faces and bodies. These are great for many different sims who want a tattoo but don’t want anything too intense.

Bad Girl Tattoo.

If you are looking for an entirely unique tattoo, this bad girl tattoo is such a cool one. This tattoo features a human with multi colour hair about to light a cigarette with the smoke coming up behind their head and even having a face.

The tattoo location is on the arm right above your sim’s hand and is such a fun option for sims who are really cool.

Favour Tattoos.

There are so many things going on with these tattoo sets and you’ll definitely find something you like. The majority of the tattoos are occurring on your sim’s arms but there are a few for the legs, sides, and stomach so you can have them all over your sims body.

Merci Tattoo N1.

Hand tattoos are such a fun choice for tattoos on your sims and when paired with finger nail mods for nail polish they just look so beautiful.

These hand tattoos come in different simple styles and can be extremely unique on different sims. These are great if your sim is a painter, an actress, or a social media personality.

Butterfly Sleeve Tattoo.

Butterflies are such a popular tattoo option because they’re so pretty and they symbolize so many wonderful things. These are interesting tattoo options because the ink isn’t dark black so they feel more subtle and adorable.

Flowers on Shoulders.

Floral tattoos are so simple but so gorgeous and this one definitely hits the mark. One fun thing about this one is that you can have it on the left shoulder, right shoulder or both shoulders depending on the vibe you are looking for.

Shoulder tattoos are a cool option because they look awesome when wearing any tank top, or off the shoulder top so you can completely show them off.

Moonlight Princess Set.

This next tattoo option is a really fun and interesting one with a few swatches to choose from. My favourite of the swatches is definitely the one with the beautiful woman cuddling with a crescent moon surrounded by beautiful flowers. It just feels so celestial and interesting!

Arm Tattoo for Him & Her.

This arm tattoo sleeve is really interesting with genuinely so many things going on. These are tagged for both masculine and feminine sims so you can use these for anyone which is awesome.

On this tattoo you’ll find things like a compass, a boat in the water, a snake and so much more. You’ll be so excited to just stare at it and see what else you can find.

Butterflies N5.

The back of the arm above the elbow is such a fun location for a butterfly tattoo. These butterflies are so simple but absolutely gorgeous and you are able to choose to have it on one arm or the other, or go for broke and throw it on both arms.

It’s also super cool because there are three different butterflies for you to choose from in this and all three are so pretty and you could even mix and match.

Galore Tattoos.

These tattoos are so interesting with so much going on all over the body, but my favourite parts are on the arms. These tattoos have tons of faceless people on them with interesting flowers and butterflies instead of heads!

Floral Sleeve N2.

There aren’t many other tattoo types that make a statement the way that a full sleeve makes and this floral sleeve is so much fun. The creator gives you the option to have it on one arm, or on both arms.

It’s a fun option because all of the tattoos are different but somehow they work really well together and create a really cohesive look.

Hey, That’s Pretty Cool.

This next option for your sims 4 cc tattoos folder is this really fun sleeve choice. It has only a single swatch, so what you see is what you get.

This tattoo has a bunch of things going on including the king of different death types , The Grim Reaper, a flower, a smile, a cactus and so much more.

Under Arm Tattoos.

These side tattoos are extremely simple but absolutely adorable. The flower swatch of this tattoo is probably my favorite with the heart version coming in a close second.

This feels like the type of tattoo that would be worn by a college student who got this tattoo with friends on a vacation and it just makes me feel warm and cozy.


This set of butterfly tattoos is able to be put on either arm, or both if that’s the vibe you’re looking for. It comes in 7 fun colors with different blues, purples, reds and even a black one if you’re looking for something more simple.

One aspect of this tattoo that I find super fun is that the butterflies don’t just go up in a straight line, they have a nice curve to them bringing them all the way around the arm in a cute design.

Sims 4 CC Tattoos for Legs.

Choosing to get your legs tattooed is such a vibe and they look so awesome. It’s always fun when you don’t see someone’s legs for the first few months that you meet them and then they unveil an insane leg tattoo that takes your breath away. These are so great for when your sims are wearing custom dresses or skirts and they can peak out!

Thorn Tattoo.

These thorn tattoos are really fun and appear on both legs for your sim. These can work for all genders and look really great with so many outfits.

These tattoos can be really fun to wear under a skirt or a pair or shorts because it allows you to show them off in a fun way, or wear longer pants if you don’t feel like it that day.

Witches Brew Tattoos.

There are so many players who love playing with witches in the game and these are the perfect tattoos for your witches. There are things like potions, candy, small ghosts wearing witches hat and more. They’re just so much fun for your favourite sims in the magic realm.

Rose Leg Tattoo.

A nice leg tattoo is such a fun vibe, and this simple rose tattoo is so fun. It features a single rose with small thorns and some gorgeous leaf details.

These types of simple leg tattoos are really fun for your sim’s because they can pop out of your sim’s pants as a fun little detail for you to have shown.

Thigh Tattoos.

These next tattoos are so interesting because they are in full colour but they are really pretty in more muted tones than some colour tattoos. These have snakes, octopuses or interesting dragon options that really give off a fun vibe in your game.

Tattoo 13.

Any time I see a leg or foot tattoo like these ones I just know that the person who has them is a super cool human. These tattoos would look so great with heels and a skirt or a pair of cropped jeans so it would just pop out a little bit.

As someone who absolutely loves floral designs in both tattoos and clothing, these tattoos are definitely something I’d love to have on my sims. The foot flower tattoos are specifically fun.

Feminine Thigh Tattoos.

You know your sim is a cool chick if they walk up to the party with a full thigh tattoo because those are huge and absolutely gorgeous. These thigh tattoos have a bunch of flowers up top with some nice word detailing on the bottom.

A fun aspect of these tattoos is that they are in color instead of just being a boring black and white tattoo which can be very plain jane.

Random Tattoos.

This set of tattoos has a bunch of random locations, but I’ll be honest we have to talk about that floral lion tattoo on the thigh. That is such a gorgeously detailed tattoo that makes me very happy and looks awesome on your sims.

Flower Legs.

Leg tattoos are such a powerful statement and this one allows you to have this gorgeous floral tattoo on either the right leg, the left leg or go for the stars and choose to put it on both legs.

These types of tattoos look awesome with sandals and shorts, as well as skirts or even cropped pants so you can see just a little bit.

Random Tattoo V39.

This option for sims 4 cc tattoos is super fun and goes up and down your sim’s entire leg. It features some fun butterflies on the top as well as some gorgeous flower detailing working its way down the calf.

These types of tattoos can be so cool since you can show off whatever part of the tattoo you want depending on how you dress. Imagine this one with some knee high socks and a mini skirt showing off just a bit of that flower and a butterfly, so cool!

Animal Tattoos.

The very first tattoo on this rather long list is a set of animal tattoos that are super gorgeous and are on the thigh of your sim. These are available for all genders and look awesome on your sim’s left leg.

These tats are a super sweet option because it lets you show off your sim’s spirit animal and you could choose from a lion, an owl or even a wolf.

Sims 4 CC Tattoos for Back.

Back tattoos are so fun because you’ll spend most of your time wearing shirts and people won’t see them and then BAM tattoo! It’s just a really fun place to have a tattoo and lets you show it off whenever you want to, not daily. These are awesome with shoulder blade tattoos, full back tattoos and even lower back tattoos so there’s something for everyone.

Tattoo Z10 by Zenx.

One type of tattoo that is a definitely statement are giant, detailed back tattoos and oh man this one is fun. The detail on this tattoo is honestly so cool and would be great on sims who are fully covered in tattoos, or as a statement as their only piece.

The wing detailing on this tattoo is so fun and reaches pretty high up on the back covering so much of your sim’s back. This can be fun to wear with backless shirts, strapless shirts, and more.

Back Tattoos.

This set of back tattoos are incredible because there are 12 swatches that cover the majority of your sim’s back and come in all sorts of crazy options. You’ll see tattoos with snakes, moons, butterflies, flowers, and so much more in the set.

The tattoo on the left is absolutely gorgeous with an illuminati triangle (I assume that’s what it is) in the middle and its absolutely gorgeous. The detailing on this set of 12 tattoos are so incredible!

Random Flowers Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

Floral tattoos are always my favourites so I love these random flower tattoos for your sim’s back. There are some on the shoulder blade and others on your sim’s lower back. The flowers are gorgeously designed and have tons of cute detail without being too overwhelming.

Sirens Tattoo.

If you a re into mermaids, water, and skulls these may be the perfect tattoos for your sim’s game. These cc tattoos are so fun and have a bunch of fun swatches for your feminine sims.

These tattoos are located on your sim’s back and featured so many beautiful mermaid tails, and gorgeous hair detail on a few of them, just absolutely fun and beautiful. These mermaids are so beautiful!

Ocean Life Tattoos.

This next set of tattoos is Base Game compatible but honestly, these are perfect in Island Living. They have things like star fish, palm trees and even an adorable turtle on your sim’s body. They look so awesome when your sims are in their swim suits which is so cute.

Butterflies V3.

If you are looking for a back tattoo that definitely makes a statement, this is the one. This tattoo has a giant butterfly in the middle with such gorgeous detailing. It also features a series of dots, arrows, and other line work that is absolutely beautiful.

One of my favorite details in tattoos is when they are perfectly symmetrical because they really just make my eyes happy, and this one is absolutely perfect in that aspect.

Moon Phase Spine Tattoo.

As I age, I’m getting more and more obsessed with moons and stars and this moon tattoo fits perfectly. This tattoo features moons in all sorts of different stages going right down from under the base of your sim’s head to the bottom of their spine.

This honestly feels like the perfect tattoo for a sim who wishes to become a spellcaster from Realm of Magic and loves to go ahead and watch the moon.

Colourful Fantasy Tattoo.

The next option on our list of sims 4 cc tattoos is definitely interesting because at first glance it looks like mostly flowers. However, when you look for another second you’ll start noticing all of these fantasy creatures all over it. It’s in full colour which is super fun and doesn’t happen a whole lot in these custom tattoos!

Geometry Tattoo N2.

Any kind of tattoo that features suns, moons or stars really makes me happy. This spine tattoo is a great choice for any sim who loves moons. This would look so incredible in the game any time that you are wearing formal wear or a backless top out in the sun.

The geometry tattoo is a sweet option because it comes in the above gorgeous gold swatch, as well as a black and white but also comes in a gorgeous purple and a fun teal.

Spine Tattoo.

This is probably the creepiest tattoo on the list because it makes me remember that we’re all human and there is a spine inside my body. Plus, as someone with a bad back mine would probably be more curved than this. It’s definitely an interesting choice to go with a tattoo with a spine down your… spine!

Chinese Language Tattoos.

A very popular tattoo option is to get words in different languages and I’d say Chinese is probably the most popular language to get tattoos in. These are really fun options for large back tattoos with Chinese words. Some of the words include love, laugh, and happy.

Sunflower Tattoos.

Sunflowers are such a fun flower to have tattooed on your body because they just have such an interesting look. These back tattoos have gorgeous sunflowers as the main part but there are different aspects to them too.

The one tattoo has a fun triangle around the back of it but the other one is more fun. It has a fun banner going around the sunflower with the words please go away on it which is hilarious.

Tattoo N2.

A lot of the sims 4 cc tattoos out there are completely black and white which is great for a lot of sims, but colour tattoos just give off a different vibe. This tattoo has a giant birds nest with flowers coming off and an adorable bird sitting on a branch.

The colors on this tattoo are extremely fun with the light pink and coral flowers and the adorable little blue bird you’ll love finding outfits that make this tattoo pop.

Sims 4 CC Tattoos for Chest & Stomach.

Tattoos that are on your chest and stomach are a definite look, they make sure that you’re showing a statement. These are really fun with so many fun details and options with some being small and minimalist, and others being huge and intense.

Gina Tattoo Pack.

This pack of gina tattoos all happen in the same location with them right under the bust of your sim. All of them are dark and simple tattoos in a location that won’t be seen most of the time.

There are four options for this tattoo pack, with the first being a snake, then being a fire, then a heart and finally the word angel.

Random Tattoo V37.

This tattoo set is a fun choice because it has floral options which at this point we all know is my favourite. The under bust tattoos are a great option too and would look great on both large and small bust sims.

These types of tattoo sets are fun because it comes with so many locations. You can see there’s a face tattoo, a small chest tattoo, two under-bust tattoos and an abdomen tattoo.

Geometry Tattoo N1.

Tattoo location for this one is so much fun because not only is it under the bust but it also goes up top onto the chest for a really fun and unique look. There is nothing more gorgeous than a symmetrical tattoo in my eyes.

You’ll find that this tattoo comes in a few colors too which makes it even better with the above teal option, a reddish orange, a gold, a purple and of course black.

Zodiac Sign Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

Something that is extremely popular right now are zodiac signs, and these zodiac tattoos are so fun. There are 12 different tattoos for you to use on all your different sims and it can help you decide what their sign is and use that to figure out an estimation of when their birthday is.

These tattoos are super simple and are a cool idea for a sim to have a single tattoo that isn’t super overpowering on their body. Definitely a fun option for a cc tattoo for your sim.

Dainty Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

These minimalist tattoos are so great because they are popular and interesting looks but without being too dark or having harsh lines. The location is right under your sim’s collarbone so it’s fun because you can hide it with a full sleeve shirt, but show it off with a spaghetti strap shirt.

There are options like a lotus, roses, a pineapple and even a crown to show your sim’s that they are the queen!

Geometry Tattoo N3.

This tattoo by Angissi is a fun under-bust tattoo that is perfectly symmetrical and quite large. Wearing a crop top with a tattoo like this one is a really awesome choice for a super cute outfit.

A fun thing about this tattoo is that it not only comes in the black swatch, but also comes in 5 other swatches with purple, pink, orange and yellow all being options for a more unique and fun look.

Arana Tattoo.

Arana tattoos are a really beautiful collarbone tattoo with simple line work that really packs a punch. These tattoos come in all sorts of branches and leaves options for your sims to rock.

This location for the tattoo is super fun because it will show up whenever your sim is wearing a tank top, swim wear, or a lower cut shirt allowing them to fully show it off in tons of circumstances.

Tattoo 12.

These tattoos by Caroll91 are in such a cool spot with them appear between the bust and going either down to the stomach or up onto the chest. These are fun because you can have them pop up in different shirts and show off just a little bit.

This tattoo location is so much fun because it will only be seen in specific clothing, especially the second swatch because you can see the tattoo only when wearing swim wear, or a crop top.

Unalome Tattoo.

These next tattoos are very interesting in their placement with them going on the chest right in between a sim’s breasts. The tattoos feature things like lotus flowers, moons, and other line designs that bring them together. These are really fun when wearing lower cut tops because you can see the top of the tattoo poke out in the cutest way!

Tattoo N08.

This tattoo set by Merci is a single word tattoo that appears right under the collarbone of your sim. The font of this is so gorgeous because it is long and feeling extremely cute and makes me feel cozy.

The words you can have in these tattoos include happiness, family, patience, breathe and grateful which are all great tattoo words!

Birdie Tattoos.

Birds are really able to make a beautiful tattoo and this birdie tattoo does not disappoint. This tattoo features a large bird at the top with its wings out like a champ. Below you’ll see a ton of flowers coming from the bottom of the bird for a gorgeous tattoo.

This tattoo would be absolutely gorgeous while wearing swim wear or any kind of strapless or spaghetti strap shirt to completely show it off.

Tiny Zodiac Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

Zodiac signs are really popular at the moment with tons of people talking about their signs and comparing their personalities. So, why wouldn’t you want to have a zodiac tattoo to show this off? These are really fun with your zodiac sign and animals to really have a statement and the location is perfect.

Leaves and Branches.

Leaves and branches is a really awesome tattoo option available for all genders, this ones fun because it is a tattoo with floral vibes without being flowers entirely. This tattoo appears on the right side of your sim’s body.

This tattoo is really fun because it comes in five different options all in the same location so you can use it on a bunch of different sims but each time it would have a different vibe.

Snake Tattoo V1.

This is a perfect snake tattoo for a sim who might be a snake or a sim who loves snakes. The detail on the snake is super fun because its all twisty and gorgeous!

The really fun thing about this tattoo is that the same snake tattoo can be used in a bunch of different locations so if you like the tattoo butt don’t like the side or shoulder version, you’ve got options.

Mandala Tattoo.

Since crop tops are totally in style right now, under bust tattoos are possible the best option for cc tattoos since they look so cool with any sort of crop. This mandala tattoo has such gorgeous line detailing and looks awesome!

This is such a great tattoo for a pair of high waisted jeans and a crop top because it will show it off so beautifully.

Cold Spell Tattoos.

This next set of sims 4 cc tattoos has both chest tattoos and back tattoo options. The chest tattoos are wild with moths and moons being present as a very interesting look. They start at the collarbone line and are huge, which is a definite statement piece for your sims.

Full Body Sims 4 CC Tattoos Sets.

These types of tattoos are where sims creators are really able to shine because they create multiple tattoos that work really well all together. These tattoos are usually available as individual tattoos in the swatches as well as a full body swatch where you can have everything all at once.

Witchy Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

Witchy custom content is such a fun thing to add to your mods folder, especially if you have Realm of Magic. These witchy tattoos are so much fun with things like an under-boob mandala tattoo, some really fun tarot cards on the legs and so much more.

Sweet Melody Tattoos.

These sweet melody sims 4 cc tattoos are so beautiful with so much going on that you’ll love having these in your game. My favourite of these tattoos is the small dinosaurs on your sim’s arm, dinosaurs are just so cute and the minimalist look is perfect.

Sage Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

The next set of sims 4 cc tattoos are these gorgeous sage tattoos that cover so many things you may want. There is a leg tattoo with people dancing around the moon, a bunch of cute florals and a giant chest piece that looks amazing.

Crystal Witch Tattoos.

Crystals are such a beautiful thing to have as decor around your home so why not have them on your body? These witch tattoos are perfect with crystals being a huge part of each of them. The best part is that there are small crystal tattoos and also giant tattoos like the ones on your sim’s legs which have so much fun detail.

Rainberry Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

This next set of sims 4 cc tattoos covers a lot of bases that are extremely fun. There is a hand tattoo on the leg holding a snake, some text on the other leg, some beautiful florals and even an arrow through a heart which is really cute.

Galactic Garden.

These next tattoos are super space themed which is such a cute vibe for your sims. There are gorgeous stars, moons and plants all over and your sims must really love space. These would be perfect for a sim who is working in the astronaut career who just loves space with their whole heart… and body!

Eden Tattoos.

The next tattoo option on our giant list are the eden tattoos that start off with the word eden right under your sim’s breast. There are floral tattoos on the arm as well as an insane snake on the side of your sim’s body and goes down to your sim’s hips. These are such a vibe and I love them so much!

Oblivion Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

The next set of tattoos has such an insane Medusa tattoo on the leg that it had to make this list. The medusa tattoo is so insane with the face being perfect and the snake hair having so much detail. There are also heart, floral and moon tattoos in this set but the Medusa tattoo takes the cake.

Flower Fairy Set.

The flower fairy set is an interesting choice that has to branches coming up from the hips and going on either side of the belly button. It has floral options all over including your sim’s chest, your sims arms and more. They’re really lightly drawn making them not too intense for a nice cozy look.

Dallas Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

These tattoos have a ton of fun detailing and a bunch of different locations for them. There are different floral details, leaves and more.

These tattoos are fun because they have thicker line work compared to a lot of the tattoos on this list making them a serious statement piece.

Harmony Tattoos.

We’re all looking for harmony and these tattoos can bring that in for you. The tattoos start at the leg with a large tarot card that has so much detail with moons and stars, there are other tattoos with florals and hands and they just feel really majestic.

Secret Secret Tattoo Set.

This set of secret secret tattoos are so fun with some really random things throw in. The most common tattoo on this is birds across the back which is a tattoo I once considered getting IRL! Other tattoos in this set include a set of hearts, a question mark and more.

Wicked Simlish Tattoos.

These next tattoos are such a must-have in my game and are so much fun. Getting words tattooed on your body is extremely common but we can’t do them in english because sims speak simlish ! These are so much fun and add words all over your sim’s body in interesting locations.

Cosmic Candy.

The cosmic candy sims 4 cc tattoos are really fun with them being all sorts of plants, stars and moons which is so much fun. There’s a large tattoo on the leg with need my space around a bunch of plants, a cascading plant set down the other leg and so much more!

Crybaby Tattoos.

This set of cry baby tattoos has a bunch of options for your sim to choose from. It features some cool back tattoos with wings, a gorgeous body with clouds for a head, and some really pretty arm tattoo choices.

Although most of these tattoos are cute, I must say that I am going to have nightmares about the leg tattoo with the scary animal on it. It just gives me bad vibes and I don’t want to see it every again.

Meicrosoft Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

The most interesting tattoo in this set is definitely the spider web belly button. It makes you star at your belly button. You wonder… what’s going on in there? Is there lint? Are there insects? Is there a whole world inside of that belly button? Honestly, it just makes me wonder.

Heaven Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

The heaven tattoo set is really fun with tons of cute options for your sims starting off with a bird cage on the leg. My favourite of these tattoos is definitely the butterfly inside of a light bulb which is super cute, or the flower inside of a bottle.

Sunflower Tattoo V2.

This next tattoo is an option for a sim who absolutely loves sunflowers, like really really loves sunflowers. These tattoos are on the majority of your sim’s body with tattoos going down both legs, the torso as well as the top of their arms. This is a super cool tattoo because it can cover so much of your sim’s body and you can even choose for it to just be on one side.

The only thing you need to consider with this tattoo is that a lot of people think you can’t trust people who’s favorite flower is a sunflower.

Imagination Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

The imagination set of tattoos bring a bunch of extremely popular paintings and characters to your sim’s tattoo options. They’re really beautifully made and interesting for your sims and are a must-have in my game.

Bloom Where You Are Planted.

The phrase bloom where you are planted is really great advice for real life and these tattoos are really great for your sims. They have so much going on with florals incorporated throughout which adds so much beauty. There are tattoos with tea pots, crystals, people and more!

Darling Tattoo Set.

The darling tattoo set has a lot going on and uses a lot of hands. There are interesting shapes and shading options which add so much. There is even a tattoo for your sim’s collarbone that says all of this is temporary which is a great thing to think about in life.

Symphony Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

If your sims are going to become a musical genius they may want to have these symphony options for sims 4 cc tattoos. These are music inspired tattoos that are really beautiful including an instrument tattoo for a sims back and a bunch of music notes under the bust.

Memories Tattoo.

The memories tattoo set is a great one with small tattoos all over your sim’s body. There are tattoos with hands, adorable florals and even tattoos that have moths and butterflies.

Harley Quinn Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

Harley Quinn is a very popular character from Suicide Squad and has some truly unique tattoos that you can now add to your sims game for regular characters or recreate this character in The Sims 4.

Blueprint Tattoo Set.

These blueprint tattoos are honestly really beautiful and some of my favourites on this list. The biggest of the tattoos is an adorable girl sitting on a stool with florals behind them and a butterfly on the opposite leg with some text in english. There is even a large chest tattoo with swords through a heart!

Classic Bold Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

These classic tattoos are a great option for all sorts of sims! This set features a beautiful under bust tattoo as well as some cute arm options and a beautiful leg tattoo for your sims.

My favorite tattoo option is definitely the leg tattoo with the swords through the heart because it so interesting and gorgeous.

La Vie en Rose Tattoos.

The super interesting thing about these sims 4 cc tattoos is that they’re much less opaque sometimes. They have such light line work that they are super light and dainty while still covering large portions of your sim’s body.

Heartless Honey Tattoo Set.

The heartless honey tattoo set is really fun with there being so many details to stare at. There is a rose tattoo with the word honey in the middle of your sim’s bust, a knife and snake, a knife and butterfly and a heart on a sim’s bum cheek!

Lunar Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

These next tattoos would be great for a witch or a sim who just loves crystals and spirituality. They have tarot cards, crystals and mons, hands doing magic and so much more. These are so gorgeous!

Empty Gold Tattoo Set.

This next set of tattoos is super interesting with the leg tattoo being the most fascinating part of the set. This tattoo is a set of ribs from a human, however, it’s in the shape of a heart with the actual heart being a red colour instead of black which is such a fun and unique look!

Tropical Punch Tattoos.

Fruit is a very cute option for tattoos because they’re inoffensive, sweet and very adorable. This set of tattoos has just about every piece of fruit you could imagine so you’ll be tropical punch in no time.

Simblreen 2020 Set.

These witchy tattoos are great for your sims with a fun moon and branches on the leg, a cute cat as a large chest piece and some fun options for the arms. These are all individual swatches but there is also a swatch where you can add all of them together at once!

Reckless Tattoos.

The reckless tattoos come with fourteen different swatches that are base game compatible for your sims. The most beautiful tattoo is the leg tattoo where there is a hand breaking out through the light bulb with moons and stars breaking out of it.

Flora Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

These floral tattoos are so beautiful and in so many gorgeous locations. There is something so beautiful about a hip that’s covered in flowers in that way, it just looks so gorgeous. The arm flowers are really beautiful too!

Remember Me Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

The next option for sims 4 cc tattoos on our list are the remember me tattoos. These tattoos have a fun flower tattoo on the leg with a block behind it, a cut snake on the back going from a see through circle to a black circle and a bunch of flowers inside hands.

Wonderland Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

The wonderland tattoo set has a bunch of fun options. The cutest one has to be the half face with moons and stars coming out of the head, but with the mushrooms in a close second.

Fallen Roses.

The fallen roses tattoo set is great because they all work extremely well together with every piece being focused on roses. They have tattoo options for every location on your sim’s body and there is just so much cute detail added.

Bloody Mary Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

There is so much going on with these Bloody Mary tattoos. It starts with the number 13, a skull with a snake going through the eye, a skull with devil horns, a mouth with vampire teeth and so much more. There are so many amazing pieces here that you need in your game.

Caffeine Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

Are you a coffee addict? Do you need caffeine to function as a human? Well, if that’s you then you need to add this tattoo set to your game. There are tattoos of coffee being brewed, hands holding coffee and even one where the grim reapear is drinking a coffee.

Daydreamer Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

The daydreamer tattoo set has so much going on like rainbows, hearts, moons, lips, clouds, snakes and even the words take it easy. There is seriously so many options for sims 4 cc tattoos on this list and each one of these adds so many individual options.

Stargazing Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

The stargazing tattoo set has so many interesting pieces to it that are great options for individual tattoos. The true stand outs for me are the leg tattoos that have so many beautiful florals and interesting lines, especially the butterfly.

Cheshire Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

If you are a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland these are definitely the tattoos for you. This set features the Cheshire cat from the famous story and a hilarious back tattoo that says “We Are All Mad Here” which is a quote I loved as a kid.

This is fun because there are multiple options in this set for you to choose from depending on the type of tattoos your sims will like.

Moonlight Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

These moonlight tattoos are really beautiful with them featuring a bunch of really beautiful florals with a more night time feeling. They have such gorgeous lines and designs and they are super sweet.

Geometric Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

Geometric tattoos are extremely popular and the shading and colours on these are so much fun. There are options for things like elephants, mountains and a gorgeous triangular wolf.

Fever Tattoo Set.

This next tattoo set makes me extremely happy and brings back some good memories. It starts off with the words wasted youth on the chest and shows that all over the body. There is a fun powerpuff girls tattoo and even a pokemon on the other are really bringing back some childhood fun.

Nocturne Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

These next tattoos are all over the place but somehow work so cohesive and there are 56 swatches to choose from. There are tons of word tattoos like sinner, she is art, surrender and even years like 1995. There are interesting designs like butterflies, skulls, and faces that just all work so well together.

Juliet Tattoo.

This set of Juliet tattoos give you four fun options all on different locations. There is a rose tattoo on the left shoulder, a star tattoo on the right back area, a bird tattoo on the collarbone as well as a lotus on the stomach.

These are awesome sets to have in your game because there are a few options for you to have and they can be used on all sorts of different sims.

Swordplay Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

These next tattoos look amazing on both masculine and feminine sims and give off such fun vibes. There is a tarot card on the leg giving a fun witchy look, a gorgeous butterfly with a sowrd and a beautiful chest piece with two hands.

Babylon Tattoo Set.

The fun thing about these tattoo sets is that there is so much going on and you can choose to have one piece of every piece. This set of tattoos have things like snakes, planets and even a duck for some reason? So cute!

Wild Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

This sett of wild tattoos that were created by Network Sims has a ton of different things going on, you’ve got chest tattoos, stomach tattoos, back tattoos and even a small wrist tattoo. These are super fun because there are so many options!

One thing I really enjoy from this tattoo set is that they all work really well together so you can have a sim highly tatted up but all of them have the same vibe and work for a single sim.

Final Thoughts on Sims 4 CC Tattoos.

Using these sims 4 cc tattoos on your sims can definitely make them look unique and gorgeous and give them some much needed personality. I love tattoos for sims because you can get so many cool ones that will completely change how your sim feels and maybe even how they behave. Happy playing and get to downloading these sims 4 cc tattoos!