Chastity life style

 chastity life style

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Chastity life style.

Jede Woche (am Montag) eine neue spannende Umfrage. Beteiligt euch, nehmt an den Umfragen teil, kommentiert. Die Laufzeit jeder.

Chastity Beginners Guide zum Start in die männliche Keuschheit.

Chastity Beginners Guide: Wie Du Deine Reise in absolute und dauerhafte Keuschheit beginnen kannst Keuschheit ist der Schlüssel zur.


Locktober Countdown Wenn der Herbst sich abzuzeichnen beginnt, die ersten Lebkuchenherzen in den Regalen liegen und auch Halloween nicht.

Sklave vs. Sub – was sind die Unterschiede?

Ein Gastbeitrag von Mistress Kym Der Unterschied zwischen Sub und Slave Der Unterschied zwischen Sub und Sklave kann ein.

Aktive Plugs.

HOLLY FUCK II vs. Aufpumpbare XL Analkugeln mit Gewicht und Cockring vs. Anal Bingo II Allgemeines Aktive Analplugs üben.


Nicht immer geht es beim Thema Keuschhaltung um dauerhaftes, sicheres „Wegsperren“, Demütigung und/oder bisweilen auch schmerzhafte Bestrafungen. Oftmals dient.

Cuckold-Fantasien – so lasst ihr sie wahr werden.

Die Vorstellung, betrogen zu werden, ist unter Männern ziemlich verbreitet. Ich höre das oft in meiner Branche – Männer.

9 Vorteile der Keuschheit in weiblich geführten Beziehungen.

Der folgende Beitrag erklärt Ihnen die 9 Vorteile, die ich in einer Female Led Relationship (FLR) sehe. Sicher sehen.

Chastity Guide: 7 Tipps zum Tragen eines Keuschheitskäfigs.

Du hast Dich entschlossen zukünftig in Keuschheit zu leben. Wenn Du Eva Lynns Beitrag „9 Vorteile die ihnen die.

30 (+x) Ideen Ihren Ehesklaven zu demütigen.

Um wirklich unterworfen zu sein muss ein Ehesklave jeden Minute des Tages und der Nacht daran erinnert werden, dass.

The male chastity lifestyle is an excellent way to live for anyone seeking balance.


The pinnacle of FemDom and Female Supremacy is chastity and orgasm control. Sacrificing all control of your pleasure and orgasm is a selfless and submissive gesture. Once I have control of your orgasm, prepare for a shock.

Male Chastity and FemDom Keyholding.

Those who remain denied sexual release know another truth. True Bliss. If you have known Me for any period, then you know that chastity is one of My absolute favorite fetishes. Men generally have nasty masturbation habits. I despise the male orgasm for many reasons and prefer if all of My serving slaves’ genitals are locked away neatly in a chastity cage for their Goddess.

If you are curious about why I require complete control of your orgasm, check out My Better Beta Bootcamp pet training program to learn all about My Empire and what it takes to serve Me properly.

Check out My recent Chastity Tease Videos.

CLICK HERE to see all of My chastity videos.

Chastity Contest Honorable Mentions.

Chastity Challenge – 7 Days Locked in Chastity (2019)

Cuckold Locked in Chastity on Valentine’s Day.

CLICK HERE to see all of My chastity videos.

Experience the FemDom Chastity Lifestyle.

I love locking boys’ cocks away in a chastity cage for Me. However, long-term orgasm denial is just about My favorite training method. Orgasm denial causes a delicious ripple effect that brings out your submissive side more across your body and mind. It also helps to enforce female supremacy values in your life over time. FemDom chastity training is perfect. Eventually, you will become the perfect submissive for Me, weak and ready to obey My every command. FemDom chastity training can change your life.

Start your FemDom Chastity Training.

All Male Orgasms need Control. All Men need to be Locked in Chastity!

ALL men should be locked in chastity.

Males live a lifestyle based on chastity to experience true submission and balance.

Do you jerk off more than once a week? That’s not good! It’s simply not natural.

The male chastity lifestyle is an excellent way to live for anyone seeking balance.

How can frequent orgasms negatively affect your life?

Going against Mother Nature leads to mental and physical chaos and confusion. Living a male chastity-based lifestyle is much more satisfying. How can frequent orgasms disrupt your happiness? If any of the following describe you then you are probably experiencing physical and mental distress from your orgasms.

Easily bored, short attention span, antsy, and jumpy behavior. Feeling a constant need to masturbate or watch pornography. Thinking that somehow self-pleasure is the solution to many problems. In reality, it is the root of more issues than you know. Low energy. Problems setting goals and sticking to them. No motivation. Struggle to maintain healthy relationships with women, both romantic and platonic.

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